Wenatchee Area GS Adopts Coyote Using Innovative Grant

WAGS Coyote

Hello, Mr. Coyote, how do you fare
Sitting and reading on the museum stair?
You are so handsome—really, quite dapper
Completely absorbed in your candy wrapper.

This excerpt of a poem written in 1996 by Mrs. Ella Dillon, a local writer and poet, was the perfect coda at the Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society’s (WAGS) recent “adoption ceremony” of “Coyote Reading a Candy Wrapper.” Renamed the WAGS Coyote, the sculpture by renowned Northwest artist Richard Beyer, was originally installed in 1995 by Art on the Avenues, a non-profit promoter of the arts in the Wenatchee Valley. That same year, the coyote was voted Wenatchee’s favorite sculpture, purchased by the city and placed on the steps of the Museum Annex at 217 S. Mission Street — the home of the Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society Library.

Since 1996, Coyote has been “fostered” by Terry and Suzanne Sorom, supporters of the Art on the Avenues program. At the adoption ceremony, the Sorom’s were delighted to officially transfer to WAGS their baton of care and concern for WAGS Coyote.

Using their 2016 Innovative Grant, WAGS hosted the not-so-serious adoption ceremony and celebration as the WAGS Coyote became their official mascot. The event was also an excellent opportunity to promote WAGS and its resource library with approximately 600,000 pieces of information. Local dignitaries, including the Mayor of Wenatchee, attended the unique event and toasted the occasion with Tree Top apple juice, a local favorite.

The WSGS Innovative Grants, up to $100, are designed to support the inventive and creative efforts of WSGS-member societies and organizations. Up to five grants will be awarded in 2017.

In addition to WAGS, last year’s grant awards were made to:

Jefferson County Genealogical Society – upgrade software designed to index and preserve more than 400,000 local records.
Whitman County Genealogical Society – assist with the purchase of a new society computer, 22” monitor and portable hard drive to ensure back-up of files.

The deadline for the Innovative Grant application is March 1, 2017. The simple application is only ONE page and is available here. Additional guidance on the program is here.