Serendipity Friday


Something rather different today. Few days ago I first drove west over the Vantage Bridge and then drove east coming home. I took the top photo and spent a few miles thinking about perspective.

I’ve flown over the Vantage Bridge and I’ve boated under the bridge. Looking on Google for different-angle photos, I found these two:

As I drove the 140 miles from Vantage on home to Spokane, thinking about perspective, I thought about how different the bridge looks from up high, from looking east, from looking west and from looking north, and from looking up (as we boated under it).  Same bridge; different perspective.

Applying this to genealogy, the “bridge” for us is our current genealogical problem. Have we looked at it from all possible angles?? Some of those angles might be looking forward in time to him/her (as starting with him/her as a child) or looking backward in time to him/her. How about looking through the eyes of his parents? His siblings? His/her children? His employer? His military leader?

Perspective can make a “bridge” of a difference. Must keep that in mind.