Tuesday Trivia

We do love to talk endlessly about the weather….. too rainy, too hot, too cold and definitely too snowy. How about two feet of snow in one month? In Western Washington!

This bit was from the Tacoma News Tribune for 9 Feb 1929 but hearkened back to “1834 Was Year Of Real Snow on Sound.”

Dupont, Wash……. Feb 9th….. Inhabitants of the Puget Sound county “haven’t seen anything yet,” in spite of the shattering of records during the present cold snap. If history repeats itself, look back to January, 1834, the first year of the Hudson’s Bay Trading Company. An old diary kept by the factor of the fort discloses that on January 14th, it “snowed heavily.” Then on the 15th it again “snowed heavily.” On the 16th, “it snowed much of the day and much during the night.” The snow was two feet deep on the 18th; the 19th and 20th were repetitions of the 18th. Snow and very cold weather prevailed for eight successive days.

Then came thawing and rains and wind which “all but wrecked the palisades and buildings of the fort.” This type of weather prevailed until Feb 16th when another foot of snow fell which was repeated on the 17th and 18th. It was impossible to continue any sort of work. Cutting firewood seemed to be the only occupation.

And we shut down with barely six inches of the white flakes! Were our ancestors hardier than us? I wonder……………