Friday Serendipity

Falling under the “you really just never know what you’re going to find” category, here’s my story. Visiting the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society’s fantastic library, I only had time to browse the shelves. (They have feet and feet and feet of books on shelves.) And I came across this:

Tracing Your Icelandic Family Tree, by Eric Jonasson, 1975, published in Winnipeg, Canada. Of course this 20-page, mimeographed guide was (I assume) muchly antiquated, but still. To find such a guide in a little genealogy society library? Made me wonder what other treasures did this library hold?

And what treasures does the genealogy society library in your area hold that you don’t even know about? Perhaps you might ought to go take a looksee?

Did learn from this guide (well, from something stuck in) that an Icelandic gastronomic delicacy includes pickled ram’s testicles.  Okay….