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Education Assistance Funds Available

The Washington State Genealogical Society created its Education Assistance Fund  (EAF) in 2015. The fund is designed to support WSGS-member societies' abilities to provide quality genealogical educational events such as conferences, workshops, seminars and programs for their members and the public. Financial support, up to $500, is available for each funded project.
The EAF is a perpetual revolving fund underwritten by WSGS.  While the state society has an expectation that the funds will be repaid after the local event thus enabling others to take advantage of the support, we recognize the financial risks associated with holding an event and accept part of that risk. More information is available in the Guidance Document.
We don't want to limit local societies' creativity, so here are just a couple of reasons to take advantage of the Education Assistance Fund. 
  • Assistance in confirming a speaker or facility.
  • Expand the event to include more classes.
  • Help with promotional expenses, including printing and advertising.
  • Purchase of goodie bags, binders/folders or other day-of-event materials.

There is no deadline for applying for financial help through the EAF. Simply complete the application here and submit.