Seattle Genealogical Society Annual Meeting



SGS Annual Membership Meeting

Saturday, 4 June 2016 at 1 p.m.

6200 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115

This is an open invitation to all interested genealogists to attend the Annual Meeting of the Seattle Genealogical Society, to meet the members of the recently elected SGS Board of Directors, and to see the changes that have occurred at SGS during the past year.

More importantly, this will be an opportunity to learn of the exciting changes ahead for the society in the area of technology. Lisa Chan, the Director of Technology, will share with you her vision of how using technology can aid you as you move ahead with your research, and what SGS is, and will be doing to further advance into the digital age.

After the meeting, coffee, tea and cookies will be available. We would love to have you stay and enjoy a cup of coffee and a conversation about how you became interested in your family research and what your recent successes have been. I hope to see you at this important meeting on Saturday, the 4th of June, at 1 p.m. at the SGS Library!

Marilyn Rose,
Retiring President of the Seattle Genealogical Society