Monday Mystery

The newspaper ad on October 24, 1900 in the Omaha Daily Bee read:

“CANCER cannot be cut out or removed with plasters!! Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters are useless, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure cancer. No matter how often a cancerous sore is removed, another comes at or near the same point and always in a worse form. Does not this prove conclusively that cancer is a blood disease and that it is folly to attempt to cure this deep-seated, dangerous blood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is only an outward sign of the disease?”

“To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood system…remove every trace of the poison. Nothing cures cancer effectually and permanently but S.S.S. which enters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint and stops the formation of cancerous cells…….”

Here’s the “mystery”….. if this stuff was a cure, how come we aren’t using it today? HA!