Monday Mystery

These are not Washington-related mysteries but are certainly genealogical mysteries. Ever heard of burials in Iron Coffins or Quaker guns??

A Quaker gun is a deception tactic that was commonly used in warfare during the 18th and 19th centuries. Although resembling an actual cannon, the Quaker gun was simply a wooden log, usually painted black, used to deceive an enemy. And I guess they worked!

Watched a fab show on PBS called “The Iron Coffin Woman” about a mid-1800s burial in Queens, New York. Yes, such vessels were used for a short time before the Civil War when there was no embalming. Here’s a link to more about the show which delved into the history of such coffins and researched the probable history of the long-deceased lady.

Guest Column: “Death, Burial and Iron Coffins” by Scott Warnasch