Today is a Monday Mystery Solved….. most happily.

A bit in my paper for 13 Feb 2019 told of a remarkable find. While demolishing part of Jeffersonville High School in Jeffersonville, Indiana, workers found a little black purse. The purse contained a prom invitation, photos, a lipstick, and some Juicy Fruit gum wrappers. The purse belonged to Martha Everett and she lost it six decades ago.
Quoting from the paper: Greater Clark County Schools spokesman Erin Bojorquez said the district was able to track Everett ‘thanks to the power of social media’ after a Facebook posting about the purse. Now 82-years-old, Martha Everett, now living in Florida, received her lost little purse in the mail.
Imagine her surprise!
Maybe someone will find my missing purse that was stolen when I was 17. Only .50 cents in the purse but priceless photos were there, too.