An SGS member reported that he found this article on Google Searches by the Legal Genealogist very helpful
Possibly you have never noticed that when you do a Google Search it is, by default, searching “All”, or everything. If you look under the Search Box you see you can search by a category/subset such as :
- All
- News
- Images
- Maps
- Shopping
- More … where you will find these categories/subsets :
- Videos
- Books
- Flights
- Finance
Experiment with it. For example, sometimes it may make more sense to search the category (subset) “Books” or “News” instead of searching “All”, which would return so much irrelevant data.
Good tip! We don’t use the other features of Google enough. I use “images” to find photos or graphics I can use for my presentations. Not all that Google brings up are available to use, however. After Googling your topic (e.g. tunnels) > images > Tools > usage rights> Creative Commons licenses. (The others are under copyright and cannot be used without specific permission.) Another use is Google Scholar, not listed above. I was looking for articles written about Orphan Train Riders and all I was getting were popular fiction books. I found my articles in Google Scholar. And, of course, (google books) put in your county name and find (usually) all of the county histories that were written in the 1800s–Waseca Cty., MN has 3! It is a great resource. Don’t forget Google Translate and take a “drive” around your village of birth using Google maps (street view).