Since 1898 August, Vol. 18, No. 8 ![]() Along with the new computers come high-definition monitors, and two of the computers will be set up with dual monitors. For those of you who use two monitors at home you know how this set up makes research much more efficient. For those who don’t already use dual monitors – you’ll find out how great they are and want one at home. One of the new computers will finally enable library patrons to make full use of the large-format overhead scanner we bought last year: Quickly and easily restore those damaged, faded photographs of your grandparents’ families then create narrated slide show videos using Vivid-Pix Memory Station. We’re also installing Adobe Acrobat so that you’ll be able to quickly and easily convert scanned documents into searchable PDFs. It has been almost ten years since we did an upgrade of this magnitude and it’s sorely needed. These tools will take CGS to the next level of capability and will provide our members with what you need to tell your family’s story. The CGS board and volunteers are constantly thinking about how to enhance the benefits to our members. We encourage you to visit the library and make use of these new tools. Please consider making a sizeable donation to help pay for this technology upgrade and Thank You. DONATE TO CGS Sylveria Pacheco – A Woman of Mystery and Longevity Presented by historian Damian Bacich Born into a world of change, Sylveria Pacheco’s extraordinary life spanned over a century of California’s history. From humble beginnings at Mission Santa Clara to becoming a female landholder in the shadow of Mt. Diablo, Sylveria defied societal norms and personal tragedies to carve her own path. Her story intertwines with the tumultuous era of the Mexican War as she navigated shifting dynamics of race, immigration, and property rights. Her resilience and determination in the face of adversity offer a captivating glimpse into the untold stories of 19th-century California, challenging our understanding of the time period. ![]() Saturday, 10 August from 1 to 3 pm CGS Members: Be sure to check your email for the next issue of CGS’s Jukebox Genealogy. This unique members-only newsletter contains a fun genealogical survey and a whimsical song tie-in to the survey’s topic, as well as a chance to interact with other CGS members! ![]() BOOKS AVAILABLE AT THE LIBRARY Members of the Library Committee continue to actively work on de accessioning books that have been digitized and are available online for free from one or more reliable sources such as the FamilySearch website. We are currently focusing on our large collection of Family Histories. If you donated a family history that has since been digitized and is available online, let us know if you’d like to have the book returned to you. Other members of the committee are starting to look at books published before 1923 that are out of copyright. We are doing this to make room for new books and to reduce the size of the library in case we decide to relocate when our lease is up in 2027. Might you be interested in having one or more of these de accessioned books? If so, we’d like to know about it. Next time you are in the library make a point of looking at the collection in your area of interest, and if you find a book you’d like to have, put a post-it with your name and contact information inside the front cover. If we decide to remove that book for any reason – like we’ve acquired a newer version – we will let you know it is available. If you know the title of a book, you’d like to have but are unable to come into the library, send a message to library@californiaancestors.org. Not all books are being considered for removal. We will retain our reference books and books on California as well as books from Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and New Mexico. We will also retain all books for states for which our collection has six or fewer books. ![]() ![]() Groups on many ethnicities as well as some other topics -DNA, Digitizing, Familysearch.org. Groups will meet on specific days of the month during the summer, IN PERSON ONLY. No Registration necessary. Check the flyer here for dates and times. Come join the discussions! And stay longer to try out some of the strategies you learned. Everyone is welcome to attend whether you are a beginner or an experienced researcher. NOTE: ADDITIONAL SIG ADDED AUGUST 28th Roots Magic SIG: “Basic Elements of Roots Magic” CGS member Keith Montgomery Wednesday August 28th at 6:30 p.m. In person only at the Oakland Family History Center. There will be a review of all the basic tabs and features of the software as well as opportunities for questions and discussion. Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptops to the meeting. No Registration required. The Tips & Talk Fall schedule will be available mid-August on our CGS website and also in the September eNews. Look for weekly updates in the blog beginning in September. These classes are sponsored by CGS and OFSC. The fall line-up will include: SIGS: Many of the SIGS will continue monthly and others will be available by appointment. (510) 531-3905 during open hours. Tuesdays: an expansion of the “How To” series focusing on FamilySearch Skills and the Premium Websites available to patrons on the OFSC computers. Wednesdays: Presentations on a variety of genealogically related topics. .Please look at the schedule as class times will vary. Thursdays: A new series called “Build Your Story” Some classes and SIGs will be held on Fridays and Saturdays too Questions: fhcoakland@gmail.com or jlindsey@californiaancestors.org The revived annual research trip to Salt Lake City is back for another year and open for registration! This time, we’re adding one more night to the trip so that participants can make more progress on their research goals or take a needed day for rest and sightseeing. Join Evan Wilson and Stewart Blandón Traiman for five full days of research, learning, and camaraderie. This year the trip is capped at 30 participants, so register early to reserve your spot. The trip includes: A six-night stay at the Radisson Hotel Five days of uninterrupted research at the largest genealogical library in the world Pre-trip meeting and consultation Guided tour of the library Research assistance by Stewart and Evan Daily hotel breakfast Two group dinners at local restaurants Mark your calendars for September 29-October 5, 2024. To register, visit the Eventbrite page. To learn more about our successful trip last October and what you could get out of a trip to the FamilySearch Library, read this blog post. Classes and SIGs We are pleased to continue to offer our classes and special interest groups (SIGs). We have online classes available as well as some opportunities to meet in person. Please visit our Events and Education page to learn more. All remote classes will now have live closed captioning. If you feel you need a bit of extra help in either of these areas to have a successful experience with our Zoom events, email events@californiaancestors.org and we will be in touch. 2024 Intro to Genealogy – 1st Saturday Free! Overview and Focused Topics Interested in refreshing your skills? Not sure how to get started with your family research? Join us for a FREE Introduction to Genealogy class on the FIRST SATURDAY of every month. This month: Organizing Your Family History Work. Saturday, 3 August from 10 am to noon (hybrid) ![]() Members Round Table (SIG) Facilitated by Jacqueline Henderson and Lisa Gorrell, CG This group is for CGS Members to connect. It is a venue where attendees can share things they’ve learned or found. Often this sparks ideas for others on their own research. It is also a great way to brainstorm ideas for new avenues of research when you get stumped. 2nd Wednesday of each month, next on 14 August from 6:30 to 8 pm Email Jacqueline or Lisa for a link to the Zoom meeting. California History Series: Sylveria Pacheco, a Woman of Mystery and Longevity From her humble beginnings at Mission Santa Clara to becoming a female landholder in the shadow of Mt. Diablo, Sylveria defied societal norms and personal tragedies to carve her own path. Her story intertwines with the tumultuous era of the U.S.-Mexico War as she navigated the shifting dynamics of race, immigration, and property rights. Saturday, 10 August from 1 to 3 pm Mayflower Descendants (SIG) Hosted by Robert Trapp The Mayflower Descendants SIG focuses initially on Mayflower ancestry and how to join The Society of California Mayflower Descendants. The group discusses research in New England, parts of Canada and the upper Atlantic seaboard states. If interested, contact Robert Trapp at r1946at@aol.com. Friday, 16 August from 10:30 to 11:30 am San Francisco (SIG) Whether you’re just starting out researching your family history or have been searching for years and need ideas on how to get past brick walls or are interested in finding your ancestors’ records in and around the San Francisco Bay Area, join the conversation with us to uncover information and create a more complete family story. If you are interested in joining the SF SIG, please send an email to SFSIG@californiaancestors.org. Saturday, 17 August at 10 am ![]() Family Tree Maker (SIG) Hosted by Ron Madsen and Karen Halfon FTM-SIG is a user group founded in 2014. This group has the purpose of helping genealogists at all levels use the popular flexible Family Tree Maker genealogy software, optimally to further their family history work and to promote CGS. We offer presentations on special topics as well as discussions about problems. Check out the FTM-SIG website, http://ftm-sig.org to find the topics for the upcoming meetings, as well as FTM information and help. Saturday, 17 August from 1 to 3 pm Eastern European (SIG) Hosted by Craig Siulinski Come to a Special Interest Group (SIG) discussion focused on Eastern European Genealogy. Our group is open to all. Saturday, 24 August from 10 to 11:30 am RootsMagic Users Group (SIG) Users of Roots Magic will meet to discuss helpful hints for using the software. Our next meeting will be hybrid live/online. Please bring your laptop for a hands-on work session. Wednesday, 28 August from 6:30 to 8 pm Cemetery Photography Presented by Carly Lane Morgan Whether you’re an amateur photographer, a history enthusiast, or a genealogist, this session will provide valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your cemetery photography endeavors. Saturday, 28 September from 11 am to 12:30 pm Irish Ancestry (SIG) Join the CGS Special Interest Group (SIG) to meet others researching Irish ancestors and exchange successes, discoveries and strategies for researching in Ireland. Saturday, 28 September from 1 pm to 2:30 pm DNA Skills (SIG) The DNA Skills Special Interest Group will continue to develop their understanding of DNA techniques, review new developments in DNA testing and tools, and discuss member’s research problems and case studies.Prerequisite: Completion of CGS DNA Series or equivalent DNA class / experience. Must have uploaded DNA test results at one of the common DNA websites. Please contact Mark McLaren at greatscot@earthlink.net. If you would like to host a Special Interest Group, please contact Maureen Hanlon. Volunteers ![]() Want more information about a particular volunteer position? Contact Volunteers@californiaancestors.org if you have any questions about CGS volunteer opportunities. Can’t come into the Library? No problem. Many jobs can be done remotely or in the library. NOTE: Click the links below for more details for these and other volunteer opportunities. Arrangements can be made to meet committee members to get additional information. PROGRAM CHAIR: Are you interested in building and improving our education and the classes that CGS offers to members? We are looking for one or two volunteers to coordinate programs. CALENDAR COORDINATOR: Could you help keep our CGS calendar up-to-date with program info for events? Work remotely but collaborate with other volunteers. CLASSROOM HOST: Would you like to help our instructors by supporting our online and in-library classes? We need help with set-up and support for our speakers and audience during a class. ZOOM HOSTS & CO-HOSTS: Are you good with operating Zoom and helping folks who are new to it? Join the existing committee to support hybrid and online zoom programs, TRAINING PROVIDED. Join our team and have opportunities to meet other members to share your research interests. If you are interested and would like to get more information please contact Jane Lindsey. CGS Revamping Member Services In order to provide more opportunities for our members to network and advance their genealogy, this spring we are creating some new ways for our members to interact. Local member coffees for CGS members who live near each other. Distant member meetings to provide members who live away from the CGS library with a chance to connect. More fun ideas are in the works – maybe you have a few too? We will be contacting new members to learn what they would like to discover so we can connect them with other members who have common research interests. We are also creating manageable volunteer positions that can be done remotely or in person at the CGS library. We hope to entice you to contact us to see if there is a fit. Do you have writing skills? We could use your help with the blog, eNews, and more. Do you enjoy networking and interacting with others? We need help on the Membership and Outreach committees to call members, organize events, and identify resources to help members with their research projects. Do you have an interest in providing interesting programs for members? The Program committee would be a good fit. There are in-person and remote opportunities. Do you have an ideas you would like to share with us? These manageable jobs will not only strengthen CGS but also provide opportunities to meet others. Please feel free to email your questions and comments to volunteers@californiaancestors.org or email Jane Knowles Lindsey. We would love to hear from you! Meetings & More CGS Board Meeting – 10 Aug at 10 am CGS board members and guests will meet online via Zoom and in person at the CGS Library in Downtown Oakland. Please register in advance and sign in early to make sure you are able to see the program. We will send joining instructions the night before which will give you access to the online meeting. In-person location: the CGS Library at 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, CA 94612-3031 Blogs and Videos Please subscribe to the CGS Blog. If you haven’t been receiving our blog posts on a regular basis, be sure to re-subscribe. It is a great source of information about classes, events, volunteers, and members.We welcome your stories! If you have an idea for a blog post, a family history story you want to share, or would like to be an occasional or even regular guest contributor, please contact Blog Editor Jennifer Dix. From the California Genealogical Society Report from the Annual Meeting Call for Volunteers: The 10 Million Names Project Events & Conferences There are always many other events happening in the Bay Area and across the nation. For the latest events, check ConferenceKeeper.org. Local EventsFamily History Library Webinar Series Bay Area Genealogy Calendar maintained by the Sutro Library ![]() RootsTech Ohio Genealogical Society Conference National Genealogical Society Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) Midwest African American Genealogy Institute (MAAGI) Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) The Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR) IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy Salt Lake Genealogical Institute (SLIG) California Genealogical Society2201 Broadway, Suite LL2Oakland, CA 94612-3031(510) 663-1358 Contact Us Via Email Our library is open Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. See Directions and Parking for info on Saturday visits, which have different procedures than weekdays.Visits are free for members and non-members can pay the $5 fee at time of the visit or join and have the fee applied to membership cost. Join The Society Renew Your Membership |