Seattle Genealogical Society September Happenings

background images courtesy Ivan Rohovchenko and Dan Cristian Padure / Unsplash
inset photos courtesy Library of Congress


Gain the skills you need to research your family’s story by joining this fun, online, interactive class.

This class includes four weekly sessions online with a fifth, optional session in person at the SGS library. The class covers how to successfully conduct, organize, and record research for your genealogy. How to begin? How to evaluate evidence? What are the best sources? Where are the records–online and off? What can DNA tell us?

Start your journey on a foundation of good habits and best practices.  Participation will help you develop great genealogy skills.  The course finishes with a list of favorite sources for additional learning and an optional meet-up with a personal research session at the SGS library.

The first class is Tuesday, October 8. There are two class sessions to chose from: one in the afternoon from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. and one in the evening from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

  • Weeks 1-4 will meet virtually and consist of lecture, discussion, and workshop for one-and-a-half-hours each session.
  • Week 5 (optional) includes a library tour and one-on-one research assistance.

Class fee $80 (SGS members $60). For additional information see the SGS website.

Join the class!


James A. Secan has been selected by the Seattle Genealogical Society (SGS) as their recipient of a Washington State Genealogical Society Outstanding Volunteer Award. 

Secan joined SGS and started writing grants in 2018. A year later, he agreed to serve our community as president. He is honored as a leader who began his presidency while COVID-19 changed our world. Secan has provided operational soundness for four years through a global pandemic, a pivot to online offerings, and the relocation of our library to a smaller space. Secan led the organization while maintaining a robust membership, keeping a good balance sheet, and passing a new set of bylaws with more streamlined Board structure. Secan served with a commitment to strong operations, a steady hand, and compassion for those who needed to evolve during this time of significant change. 

It is with great pride and much appreciation that Secan is recognized as an Outstanding Volunteer by the Washington State Genealogical Society and the Seattle Genealogical Society. 


Plus: Spots Left on SGS Tour of Puget Sound
Regional Branch of the WA State Archives

The Fiske Genealogical Library is a hidden treasure located in the Madison Park neighborhood of Seattle and SGS is offering patrons the opportunity to get better aquatinted with all the Fiske has to offer. SGS is sponsoring a tour of the Fiske Friday, Oct. 11, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The Fiske is notable for its collection of rare genealogical books, 30% of which are available in fewer than twenty libraries in the world. Some 4% of the books in the collection are not reported to be in any other library! The collection is particularly rich in materials related to colonial New England and North America.

Dave Brazier, President of the Fiske Genealogical Library, will be our guide for a two-hour tour. His presentation will focus on the library’s history and organization. He will be available after the presentation until 3:00 pm for those who would like some one-on-one time to hone their search/research skills. 

Sign up for the Fiske Tour

The cost is $20 per person, $15 for members. Tour is limited to the first 15 paid registrations received.

Hurry! Spots Remain for State Archive Tour:

The SGS sponsored tour of the Puget Sound Regional Branch of the WA State Archives still has open spots. This tour will take place Sept. 17, at 10:30 a.m. Get more information and claim your spot today


One month after celebrating her 100th’s birthday SGS is honoring Bernice Keller in another way. She was nominated by Kathi M, SGS Librarian, to be SGS’s volunteer of the summer quarter. This nomination was unanimously agreed upon by the board.

How long have you been a member of SGS? 

KELLER: I have been a member for about 60 years. I don’t remember the exact date but we met at the Campfire Girls building and I took my first beginner’s class with Marilyn Rose. I am still amused that she said her sister “adjusted” some dates to suit the ages she wanted people to know.

Have you attended events, seminars and classes? 

KELLER: I have attended quite a few seminars and other meetings over the years but not recently.

What volunteer activities do you help with? 

KELLER: I come in on Thursdays for volunteer work on material considered archival that needs to be processed ready for scanning. The fellowship with other volunteers is great and the work is sometimes interesting and sometimes not so much. I have volunteered every once in a while for 60 years in various capacities.

What family research are you currently working on?

KELLER: I’m trying to verify some holes in the family data my mother started in about 1950. I'd like to know where my great great grandfather spent the first five years of his life after his mother died in childbirth. The family lore doesn’t seem likely.

Do you have hobbies or enjoy other activities?

KELLER: I maintain my patio flowers and very limited other garden work. I have managed to save my favorite geranium for about five years by taking cuttings in the fall and growing them in my garden window until spring.

— • —

Thank you Bernice for your 60 years of service! SGS members, volunteers, and the Board are grateful for your commitment to Seattle Genealogical Society.


Are you looking to offer your skills in genealogy to others? Want to spread the word about your skills? The SGS is offering the opportunity for members to publish their professional services either as a lecturer or researcher — or both — on the SGS website. This will be provided at no cost to SGS members. Not a member? Joining is easy! 

Provide your information today!

Sign up to be listed as a Researcher

Sign up to be listed as a Lecturer

The November 1890 Orphans to Iowa
courtesy New York Historical Society and the Children’s Aid Society of New York


In Fall of 1890 forty-six unnamed New York City orphans arrived in rural Hamilton County, Iowa. Discovering their stories has been SGS member, and former SGS president, Jill Morelli’s aim. She recently completed a book and website, “Journeys of the Forgotten,” showcasing her research into the stories of this children.


Family Tree Maker SIG
Eastside Genealogical Society
Sept. 20, 2024, 10:30 pm-12:30 pm

Join Eastside Genealogical Society and SGS to learn and share tips and tricks for using Family Tree Maker by Software MacKiev. The meetings open about 15 minutes in advance. You can join and/or leave whenever you have to, and you may email your question(s) in advance or bring them up during the meeting.

2024 GFO Virtual Fall Seminar
Genealogical Forum of Oregon
Eastside Genealogical Society
Friday, Nov. 1 through Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024

GFO has announced there 2024 Fall Seminar. It will feature a feast of DNA topics. Genetic Genealogist Paul Woodbury will discuss using DNA to solve genealogical questions. Friday evening will be a beginner session, with Saturday devoted to intermediate and advanced techniques. For more information visit the GFO’s website.SGS CALENDAR OF EVENTSGood Shepherd Center, Suite 302
4649 Sunnyside Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103
206 522-8658
Hours :  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday   
** 10:00 a.m .- 3:00 p.m. **
 Always check the SGS Website Calendar of Events for the meeting links, registration, or for last minute updates or changes to the schedule. Be advised you may need to register in advance to join a meeting.   All times listed are Pacific Time unless otherwise noted

Sunday, Sept. 1, 2023,  1:00 pm-3:00 pm, DNA Workshop, with Cary Bright and Craig Gowens. To participate you need to be on the SGS DNA Interest Group email list. Contact Cary Bright at to join. 

Monday, Sept. 2, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists. Remember the new Zoom link started this monthWednesday, Sept.4, 2024, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.,  Pacific Northwest Interest Group (Virtual), Share information and discuss Pacific Northwest genealogical research. Register on the SGS website.

Monday, Sept. 9, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists. Remember the new Zoom link started this month.Monday, Sept. 9, 20241:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., SGS Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual), All SGS members are welcome to attend. SGS is an all volunteer organization. Please be involved. Members must sign in to website to see Zoom link.Monday, Sept. 9, 2024

6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Write It Up! SIG (Virtual), Join this group  to share and discuss writing projects, resources, and ideas. To join or learn more, contact SGS Director of Education (

Tuesday, Sept.  10, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Tech Tuesday (Virtual), informal consultation time on DNA, genealogy software, or genealogy-related technical issues. All are welcome. No appointment necessary. Bring us your problem; we’ll try to help.

Wednesday, Sept.  11, 2024, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., MAC Computer SIG,  Jointly sponsored by SGS and Fiske. Meetings address topics and resources for Macintosh (Apple) computers and the Reunion genealogy software program. A link to login will be sent to the MAC SIG email list. If you would like to join, send an email to to be added to the email list. 

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024, 12:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., General Membership Meeting, What will SGS prioritize in the years ahead as a result of 20+ of our members gathering for our June strategic planning retreat? Come find out. Register here.Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024, 1:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Second Saturday, Join Kimball Carter, CG, as he shares insights gained in his more than 45 years of family history research experience. Topic to be announced. Register here.Monday, Sept. 16, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists. Remember the new Zoom link started this month.

Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024, 10:30 a.m., Tour of the Regional State Archives, Join the staff of the Puget Sound Regional Branch of the Washington State Archives in Bellevue for an overview of this repository and its collections, and a behind the scenes tour of the stacks. There are still open spots! Register here.

Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., “Pass It On” Writers’ Group, Create your family history and share with others in an effort to improve your writing. Please note: The Writers’ Group is at the maximum number of participants and is not currently accepting any new members.

Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-noon, Irish SIG (Virtual), with Susan McKee. Share information and discuss Irish ancestral research. 

Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists. Remember the new Zoom link started this month

Tuesday, Sept.  24, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Tech Tuesday (Virtual), informal consultation time on DNA, genealogy software, or genealogy-related technical issues. All are welcome. No appointment necessary. Bring us your problem; we’ll try to help.

Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., DNA SIG, Topic to be announced. Message to join.

Monday, Sept. 30, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists. Remember the new Zoom link started this monthWednesday, Oct. 2, 2024, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.,  Pacific Northwest Interest Group (Virtual), Share information and discuss Pacific Northwest genealogical research. Register on the SGS website.

Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, 10:15 am-12:15 pm, FamilySearch SIG (Virtual), with Lou Daly. Discover many ways to use the FamilySearch website in your research. Meeting includes instruction and time for Q&A. Email Lou to get on the email list:

Sunday, Oct. 6, 2023,  1:00 pm-3:00 pm, DNA Workshop, with Cary Bright and Craig Gowens. To participate you need to be on the SGS DNA Interest Group email list. Contact Cary Bright at to join. 

Monday, Oct. 7, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists. Remember the new Zoom link started this month

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