Be in the know! Receive notices for our virtual meetings, as well as the latest genealogy news and tips, by subscribing (free) to the online group at https://skcgs.groups.io
Skcgs.groups.io is the SKCGS online discussion and collaboration arena where:
- we communicate and share information with each other
- other than your email, you are not required to provide personal information
- you can unsubscribe at any time
- All meetings are online except the in-person Research Group and Genealogy Help at the Renton Highland Library
- Due to the holidays, there will be no in-person GenHelp at KCLS Auburn or Federal Way library branches in November or December
- Live transcription (captioning) is available during our Zoom meetings by request
- Online meeting participants need to register for SKCGS Zoom meetings. Register at our website skcgs.org. Upon registration, Zoom will send a confirmation email with instructions on joining the meeting.
Monday, November 11, 2024 ⋅ 1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Genetic Genealogy/DNA Interest Group (online)
Topic: Dealing with changes in the DNA sites
- 23andMe
- FTDNA > MyHeritage Trees
- Ancestry.com: New tools & limitations
Register at https://www.skcgs.org
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subscribe to the free SKCGS Genetic-Genealogy email list for announcements and discussion: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Genetic-Genealogy
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 ⋅ 6:00pm – 7:00pm PT
Research Study Group – Step 7 of 10 (online)
At each meeting, we’ll discuss one of the ten steps from Elizabeth Shown Mills’ webinar “Dissection & Analysis of Research Problems: 10 Steps to a Solution”
This is not a free webinar; you will need a subscription from familytreewebinars.com to participate
More information and registration at https://www.skcgs.org
Thursday, November 14, 2024 ⋅ 11:00am – 1:00pm PT
Genealogy Help with SKCGS at Renton Highlands Library (in-person)
Genealogy questions? SKCGS offers one-on-one help with a volunteer
2801 NE 10th Street
Renton WA 98056
Registration not required. In-person event. Reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities is available by request. Email access@kcls.org at least seven days before the event. More information at King County Library, email jwooten@kcls.org
Friday, November 15, 2024, 1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Research Workshop (in-person)
For SKCGS members
Kent FamilySearch Center
12817 SE 256th St., Kent, WA
Seating is limited
RSVP REQUIRED to Winona at w.laird@skcgs.org
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 9:30am PT social time; 10am – 11:30am PT program (online)
SKCGS General Membership Meeting and Speaker (Online)
“Archives 101 for Genealogists” presented by Melissa Barker and Anne Jenner
Genealogists should know what an archive is and some of the different kinds of archives that are out there. Archives have genealogical records that are not online but can only be found in archives. Melissa Barker will talk about different archives and the records that can help genealogists research their ancestors.
Genealogists often use their own family archives to mine important names and dates, but these collections of photos, scrapbooks, diaries and documents can be challenging to organize and preserve long term. Anne Jenner will share strategies for managing collections, conferring with archivists, and understanding what archival repositories can offer.
The question “what to do with family heirlooms, records, and research materials” is a question genealogical societies are asked most often. On the archives side, genealogists have been collecting records and artifacts which archives would love to get once the family is done with them. Collaboration is the best of all worlds, where historians, genealogists and archivists all work together.

Melissa Lemaster Barker is a Certified Archives Manager and public historian currently working at the Houston County, Tennessee Archives. She is known as the Archive Lady in the genealogy community. She lectures, teaches, and writes about the genealogy research process, researching in archives, and records preservation. She writes a blog called “A Genealogist in the Archives.” She has been a professional genealogist for the past 19 years with expertise in Tennessee records and has been researching her own family history for the past 34 years.

Anne Jenner has served as curator of the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections Pacific Northwest Collection since 2012. As curator, Anne works with donors and researchers to bring to light primary sources and library materials that document the people, history, and culture of the Pacific Northwest. She co-created the We Are History Keepers! free community archiving workshops to encourage everyone to preserve a more representative historical record of and for communities. Anne earned an M. A. in Scandinavian Languages and Literature at W before embarking on a career as a university instructor and librarian/archivist. She also earned an M. L. I. S. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
The program will be recorded for playback by SKCGS Members. Guests welcome! Register at https://www.skcgs.org
Monday, November 18, 2024 ⋅ 1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Technical User Group (online)
Topic: Online Timelines & How to use them to write an ancestor story
New Timelines Features on Ancestry – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plwTXLIn5wY
How do I find the timeline and map in Family Tree? https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/what-is-the-timeline-or-map-in-family-tree
The Combined Power of AI and Timelines in Ancestor Writing: https://www.knowwhowearsthegenesinyourfamily.com/blog/harnessing-the-power-of-ai-to-help-you-write-about-your-ancestors
Register at https://www.skcgs.org
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subscribe to the free SKCGS Technical User Group email list for announcements and discussion: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/TUG
Monday, November 25, 2024, 2024 ⋅ 1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Genealogy Chat (online)
Meet up and chat about genealogy subjects and topics. We have no agenda; we just like one another!
Register at https://www.skcgs.org
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Subscribe to the free SKCGS email list for announcements and discussion: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Society
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 6:30pm PT
SKCGS Board of Directors Meeting (online)
All SKCGS members are invited to attend; only Officers and Directors may vote. Write to Board@skcgs.org for the meeting link.
Friday, December 6, 2024 ⋅ 12:30pm PT
EGS German Interest Group (online)
Topic: Christmas Stories by Claire Gebben
For meeting registration, visit https://egsgermangroup.wordpress.com/
Saturday, December 7, 2024, 10:00am – 12:00pm PT
Family Tree Maker Users Group (online)
Question & Answer. Each month, we will learn about using the features of FTM.
Register at https://www.skcgs.org
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Subscribe to the free SKCGS FTM email list for announcements and discussion: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/FTMUG
MEMBERSHIP: We welcome guests to our meetings and special interest groups, which are free. Naturally we hope that visitors will want to become members. Support like yours helps us to educate and engage with our community to foster interest in family and local history. Regarding our programs, even if and when we can meet again in person, we will continue with some virtual programs. You can find more information about membership at our website at https://www.skcgs.org/support-skcgs/membership.
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