Seattle Genealogical Society Annual Appeal

The Seattle Genealogical Society empowers individuals to discover their family histories through education, collaboration, and preservation. 15 November 2024 Dear Members and Friends,
Throughout the year, Seattle Genealogical Society volunteers work to deliver our programs, build our community, archive records, and responsibly plan our future. Once per year we ask for your financial support. This is our Annual Appeal. Please be as generous as you can. Your year-end contribution will help us continue, improve, and do more.

We are doing important work. We are helping people write their stories, discover their roots, and even make connections with relatives they didn’t know they had. We are helping people unpack their family lore and learn about their family’s place in history. 

We exist for only one reason – our mission. We want to keep the cost of an SGS membership affordable for everyone.  Annual membership revenue covers only 27% of our current fiscal year’s operating costs. The balance comes primarily from your gifts, with some from class fees and a grant. (Source: 2024-2025 budget)

We are happy to receive your contribution by check, credit card, stock, donor advised fund, or IRA. Thank you for your support of SGS.
  In gratitude,

                                        Kathy Weber                                                                                     
President of the Board            Donate Online Now orSend this form with a check or money order payable to:Seattle Genealogical Society
4649 Sunnyside Ave N Ste 302
Seattle, WA 98103-6955
Yes!  I would like to support the Seattle Genealogical Society with a gift of:

$1000, $500, $100, something else $_____________

□ My employer will match my contribution. Company name:_________________________

□ My gift is in memory of (Please Print)


Your Name (Please Print)

_______________________________________________________________________ □ Check if you do not want your name to be published.  ————————————————————————————————————————Did you know? You can now donate shares of stock to SGS. For instructions email Find out more at the SGS website Donate page.
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Seattle Genealogical Society is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization registered in the state of Washington. Tax ID #91-0850085.  Copyright © 2024 Seattle Genealogical Society, All rights reserved.
All SGS members have been automatically signed up for this e-letter.

Our library and mailing address is:
Seattle Genealogical Society
4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 302
Seattle, WA98103-6955