Heritage Quest Research Library New Year German Genealogy Presentation

Welcome in the New Year with a presentation about German Genealogy Over 40 million Americans have German ancestors, comprising 10 to 15% of the population and forming the largest single ethnic group in the U.S. When researching your German American family history, you will inevitably reach the point where your ancestors crossed the Atlantic. Many people stop when they get to this stage, unsure how to continue researching in Europe.  However, this is not where your journey has to end. We will show you how to continue tracing your family’s history using German sources, enabling you to track your lineage one or two centuries further back. Our presentation is designed as a starting point for researching your German ancestors and provides an overview of German genealogy.  We begin with a brief history of German immigration to the US, covering routes, numbers and time frames.  Following that, I will guide you through the various sources available in Germany, both primary and secondary, demonstrating how to access and utilize them effectively. This includes passenger lists, censuses, church records, administrative documents, personal registers, and more. One of the most challenging aspects of German American genealogy is pinpointing the exact hometown in Germany from which your ancestor emigrated.  We will share strategies to help you overcome this hurdle, even when American records lack this crucial information. Additionally, I am happy to answer any questions you may have after the presentation. Till Fehmer  Co-founder Fehmer Genealogy (2024)
Research Assistant for Professor Andrew Moravcsik at Princeton University (2021-2022)
MSc “European and International Public Policy” at the London School of Economics (LSE) (2020-2021)
Trainee at the European Commission (2022- 2023)  When: Thursday January 2, 2025

Time:   11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Where: ZOOM & limited in-person (8)

Cost:   $20 members,
            $25 non-members,  Sign-up and Payment:
Go to HQRL Store at hqrl.com (sign in as a member to get the discount)
In-Person (8 only):
Call: 253-863-1806 or
Come into the library at
2102 E Main Ave. Ste 105
Puyallup, WA 98372
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