is a website offering a million (well, close) ways to help you find your early American ancestor. For instance, these are FREE webinars at
13 Feb: Researching Famine Irish Ancestors in Ireland’s Poor Laws
13 Mar: Friend or Foe: Researching colonial Ancestors During the American Revolution
17 Apr: Best Published Sources for Colonial New England Research
13 May: English Immigration to the American Colonies
12 Jun: Best Published Sources for German Research in America
17 Jul: Top Repositories for Researching Upstate New York
Surely viewing these FREE webinars would help you??????
Here are some Sad & True Genealogy Rules Your Ancestors Followed…shared to guide your research in 2025:
* Thou salt be consistent in naming male children; only acceptable names are: James, John, Joseph, William and Thomas.
*Ditto for female children: Mary, Elizabeth, Ann and Sarah.
*Thou shalt never write down the surname of female children on any document.
*Thou shalt, after naming children from the approved list, call them by nicknames: Polly, Dolly, Sukey, Tommy or Billy.
*Thou shalt never write a surname legibly: let them guess!
*Thou shalt discard any documents created prior to your grandparents’ time; descendants really won’t care.
*Thou shalt bury your people on your land without a headstone.
*Thou shalt leave no family Bible records nor letters or diaries.
*Thou shalt never enter a courthouse to sign any legal documents.
*Thou shalt promote and propagate misleading legends, rumors and vague innuendos regarding ancestral information to mislead descendants.