Let’s Talk About: January’s Name?

January is named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings,  endings and transitions. Janus was the god of doors and gates and was often depicted with two faces, one looking forward and one looking backward. This is fitting for a new year!

We owe Julius Caesar thanks for reforming the Roman calendar to establish the beginning of the year in January. (So stated Wikipedia.)On this day, Romans simultaneously remembered the past year and looked forward to the coming year. They would make offerings of wine and incense to Janus and exchanged gifts of dates, dried figs and honey to usher in a sweet and peaceful new year. 

January has some important official and unofficial holidays:

* Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the third Monday in January

*January 14: Dress Up Your Pet Day

*January 19: Popcorn Day

*January 24: Belly Laughs Day

*January 28: Kazoo Day!  (Look it up 🙂 !!!) 

If you, or your ancestor, was born in January by the 19th, you’re a Capricorn and such folks are said to be idiosyncratic and genteel. If born after the 19th, but before February 18th, you’re said to be an Aquarius, said to be assertive and open-minded. REALLY????

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