Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Where in the World

Where in the World?!? 

Pin Your Ancestors Down with Google Maps and Google Earth 

Saturday, February 1

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

THE HIVE, 2904 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA

DOORS OPEN AT 12:30 P.M. for Social time (please come early to help set up)

Presented by Cyndi Ingle (Cyndi’s List) 

  • Class description:
    Google Maps and Google Earth provide two wonderful sources for geographical assistance in tracking your ancestors and pinning them down for your research. Combined with other mapping resources online we will demonstrate how using these Google tools can give you a visual aid for your research. Follow migration paths, historical routes, and your own family’s path, marking them on the maps with information, photos and documentation.
  • Door Code is: 648264#
  • Handouts will be on the EWGSi website the day before this presentation. (Please print them at home.)
  • Zoom link will be on the EWGSi website the day prior the the presentation.
  • Free Table
  • Raffles
  • 50/50 Contest

Please remember to bring any donations you might have for the April Book Sale or the October Auction.  Paula Davis will accept donations at any meeting.  

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