Puget Sound Genealogical Society’s Obituary Records Team Named Outstanding Volunteers

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized more than 400 outstanding volunteers, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2014 award recipients and learn why they received the 2014 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.


Nancy Ladenberger


Jeanne Menchenton


Beverly Nelson

Today we’re introducing the Puget Sound Genealogical Society’s Obituary Records Project Team, which included Jeanne Menchenton, Beverly Nelson and Nancy Ladenberger. The team was recognized for their outstanding support and work in the preservation of important records of genealogical value to the PSGS and other researchers interested in the families of Kitsap County, Washington.

Over the course of the last 12 years, these three individuals were the primary volunteers who collected over 40,500 obituaries from newspapers and other local sources. After clipping each obituary, attaching it to an index card and storing it in a plastic sleeve, the cards were alphabetized, labeled, checked for accuracy and stored in a large card catalog cabinet.

After completion of this portion of the project, the team created a database of each obituary with the name, date of death, publication name and date and any extra information that could be helpful to a researcher. The information was then posted on the PSGS website.

While many volunteers spent time on this project over the years, these three – Jeanne, Beverly and Nancy, were committed to finishing this project. Due to their dedication and tireless work, they richly deserved being recipients of a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Recognition Chair, at Roxanne@thekeeffes.com.

Skagit County History Project Team Earns Outstanding Recognition Award

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized more than 400 outstanding volunteers, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2014 award recipients and learn why they received the 2014 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.


Rita Schulze


Sharon Johnson


Kris LaRue


Hazel Rasar


Dan Royal

Today we’re introducing Sharon Johnson, Kris LaRue, Hazel Rasar, Dan Royal, and Rita Schulze, members of the Skagit County History Project Team, who were nominated by the Skagit Valley Genealogical Society. The team was recognized for exceptional research, preservation and publication of historical material relating to Skagit County.

The History Project Team was created to document the historical biographies of the people of Skagit County and their ancestors. Beginning in 2003, stories were gathered for a number of years until collections ceased and the gathered material turned over to Mr. Royal with the vision of publishing a book known as “Skagit County, Washington and Its People.”

Each member of this long-term team held a unique, valuable role. As publications chair, Ms. Rasar was instrumental in assisting Mr. Royal with the early development of the project. Together, the two of them also coordinated the effort throughout the ten-year period. In 2012, Ms. Schulze became chair of the effort while Ms. Johnson began budgeting for the books’ publication. Ms. Rasar was also involved with Ms. Schulze, Ms. Johnson and Ms. LaRue in proofing and developing of an every-name index. Mr. Royal worked with a draft person to format and publish the final books. The two-volume set was published in 2014.

Due to the team’s dedication and tireless work on this decade-long project, they richly deserved receiving a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Recognition Chair, at Roxanne@thekeeffes.com.