Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society Future Proofing Your Genealogy Research

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Monthly Meeting & Presentation – After You’re Gone:

Future Proofing Your Genealogy Research

Tuesday, January 14th

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Thomas MacEntee will be speaking virtually at our January 14th meeting. Our monthly business meeting will follow the presentation.

Thomas’ Topic: After You’re Gone: Future Proofing Your Genealogy Research

When it comes to your years of genealogy research and material, what plans have you

made to ensure that it doesn’t die with you? Thomas will provide some advice on creating a realistic plan to get your “genealogy affairs” in order so that the next generation of researchers can benefit from your years of hard work. A syllabus for this presentation may be found on the SVGS website

Thomas’ Bio: What happens when a “tech guy” with a love for history gets laid off during The Great Recession of 2008? You get Thomas MacEntee, a genealogy professional who is also a blogger, educator, author, social media connector, online community builder and more. Thomas’ website

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly meeting will follow.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, January 16thfor our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please sen an email

Also, if you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

New England Interest Group

The SVGS New England Interest Group (includes New York and Pennsylvania) that meets at the SVGS Library on the first Tuesday of the month is now hybrid!

If you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for this group or wish to attend via Zoom, please send an email to and request to be added to the New England Interest Group email list and receive monthly Zoom invitations.

For more information visit

WSGS Vice President and Treasurer Nominee Statements

LeAnne Koliha of Marysville has been nominated to serve as WSGS Vice President for the 2025-2026 term. Additionally, Frank McLean of Yakima has been nominated for another term as Treasurer. The term of offices is 01 Jan 2025 through 31 Dec 2026.

Online voting for the slate will begin 08 Dec 2024 and run through 15 Dec. All WSGS members will receive an email with a Google link to their anonymous ballot. Members are asked to vote for each position. Write-in nominations are allowed. There is also space for suggestions and comments.

LeAnne’s candidate statement:

LeAnne Kohila

I am excited to be nominated as Vice President of the Washington Society Genealogical Society. I look forward to this opportunity to serve as WSGS continues to find ways to support the local societies and individual genealogists.

I was born in Yakima, Washington, and have spent most of my life on оne side of the mountains or the other. After high school I spent a year as an exchange student living in The Netherlands. I graduated from Central Washington University with a major in special education.

After teaching for nine years, I went back to school myself. I received my law degree from Lewis and Clark Law School in 1985. I retired from the law in 1996. Being retired was boring so I went back into education until 2009.

My husband and I lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana from 2010 until his health required him to take medical retirement and we returned to the Northwest.

I have been interested in genealogy for years. I have had the good fortune to be able to research my father’s family by visiting the areas of France and Germany where his parents were born. I am member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Lady Stirling Chapter in Bothell, and Daughters of the American Colonists, Pilchuck Chapter in Lynnwood, where I am the chapter registrar. I am just finishing a term as vice president of the library for the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society.

Frank’s candidate statement:

I have been a member of WSGS since 1988 and have served in nearly every office, including President and Treasurer. I am currently WSGS Treasurer, as well as chair of the Pioneer Certificate Program and chief reviewer of the Pioneer Pursuit effort. I am also the Buildings and Grounds supervisor at the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society.

Frank McLean

I have a vested interest in seeing the society become a more useful organization to local societies and individual genealogists. Over the years, I have seen a lot of changes in WSGS, but am hoping for more. I am particularly interested in making WSGS an organization that provides value to societies. WSGS is interested in what services and opportunities it can provide. I also hope we can generate interest in expanding individual participation, maybe serving on the board or helping some other way. I would appreciate your support in moving WSGS in a positive direction.

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society FamilySearch’s Full Text Search

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Monthly Meeting & Presentation – FamilySearch’s Full Text Search: A Free AI Tool You Should Definitely Be Using

Tuesday, November 12th

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Sue McNeil, an active member at SVGS, will be giving an in person only presentation at our library. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

Sue’s Presentation: FamilySearch’s Full Text Search: A Free AI Tool You Should Definitely Be Using

Come learn how to use FamilySearch’s full-text searching. This new beta tool makes it easier to find your ancestors in unindexed records, in unexpected locations or timeframes, and in roles that were previously unindexed (i.e., witness, heirs, bondsman, adjoining landowner, etc.). Starting with U.S. land and probate, this new AI tool is rapidly expanding to include other record types, locations and timeframes.

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly meeting will follow.

New England Interest Group – November 5th

The SVGS New England Interest Group (includes New York and Pennsylvania) meets at the SVGS Library on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am. This is a hybrid group. You may attend in person at our library or join via Zoom.

If you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for this group or wish to attend via Zoom, please send an email to and request to be added to the New England Interest Group email list and receive monthly

Zoom invitations.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group – November 21st

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month for the DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

Also, if you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

For more information visit

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society 2024 Family History Month Programs

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Monthly Meeting & Presentation – Anatomy of a Book, they are not all created equally

Tuesday, October 8th

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Maureen MacDonald willgive a live presentation at our library. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

Maureen’s Presentation: Anatomy of a Book, they are not all created equally

Maureen will be talking about her genealogical journey and research techniques. Starting with stories from her great grandmother and asking her Gram many questions about everything. She was especially interested in her great aunts and uncles and the on down generations and, of course, and the generations before them. She lived with Gram for four to five years, and near to her Gram’s adult ‘children’-still asking questions. After taking a mtDNA test, she learned of her French heritage and one of the ‘King’s Daughters’ a many times great grandmother.

Genealogy is the ‘book’ she continues to research, another generation, another chapter, and the search continues….

Bio: Maureen MacDonald lives on Whidbey Island and is currently an active member at SVGS in Arlington, Washington. She has spent the last 40 plus years researching genealogy and loving it.

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly meeting will follow.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, October 17th for our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

Also, if you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

New England Interest Group – Update

The SVGS New England Interest Group (includes New York and Pennsylvania) that meets at the SVGS Library on the first Tuesday of the month is now hybrid!

If you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for this group or wish to attend via Zoom, please send an email to and request to be added to the New England Interest Group email list and receive monthly Zoom invitations.

October is Family History Month!

The Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society would like to help you preserve your family history. Bring your family documents, old photos, negatives, slides, tapes, and home movies to the SVGS Library to get them digitized absolutely FREE!

Bring your own USB drive for documents, photos, negatives and slides and a CD for tapes and movies. (There will be thumb drives and CDs available for purchase at the library.)

We will be open all month long on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10am to 4pm.

It takes longer to digitize tapes and movies, so we request an appointment to make sure the equipment is available when you arrive. Please email Attention: LeAnne.

The SVGS Library is located at 6111 188th PL NE, Arlington. East of the Arlington Airport and north of the Boys & Girls Club. Look for the Genealogy Library signs.

Hint: Digital copies of family memories make thoughtful gifts for the holidays!

For more information visit

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society DAR Genealogy Resources

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Monthly Meeting & Presentation – DAR Genealogy Resources

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Jacqueline Riddell will be speaking at our September 10th meeting. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

Jacqueline’s topic: DAR Genealogy Resources

Washington State Regent, Jacqueline Riddell, will introduce us to DAR Genealogy Resources. The Genealogical Research System (GRS) provided by Daughter’s of the American Revolution is a free online portal to various genealogical databases. Additionally, the GRS provides resources related to the Revolutionary War. If you are interested in exploring your lineage or researching Revolutionary patriot ancestors, the GRS is a valuable resource.

Bio: Jacqueline is the Washington State Regent for DAR and has been a member of the DAR since 2011. She has an undergraduate degree in journalism, a master’s degree in business, and a certificate in genealogy and family studies.

There will be a short break after the presentation with refreshments before our monthly meeting.

New England Interest Group

The SVGS New England Interest Group (includes New York and Pennsylvania) that usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month will meet instead on September 10th prior to the DAR Presentation at 10 am. All are welcome to join in!

If you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for this group, please send an email to and request to be added to the New England Interest Group email list.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, September 19th for our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

If you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

For more information visit

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society An Introduction to American Ancestors

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Monthly Meeting & Presentation – An Introduction to American Ancestors

(This presentation and meeting will not be available via Zoom)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

SVGS recently added the American Ancestors library addition to our resources, which can now be accessed by using one of the library computers or by connecting to the library’s WiFi on your personal device. (Laptop or Smartphone)

David Allen Lambert will give a live online presentation that can be watched at our library. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

David’s topic: An Introduction to American Ancestors

David Allen Lambert from American Ancestors will introduce us to their website, so we can fully utilize the library edition. Following this PowerPoint presentation, there will be time for a Q & A with David.

Bio: David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist, has been on staff with American Ancestors since 1993. He is an internationally recognized speaker on the topics of genealogy and history, as well as a published author. He is an elected Fellow of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston MA.

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly meeting will follow.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, August 15th for our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

Also, if you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

For more information visit

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society Are you Getting the Most Out of Your Public Library

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Presentation – Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Public Library?

(This presentation and meeting will not be available via Zoom)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Nate Cushman will be speaking in person at our June 11th meeting. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

Nate’s topic: Are You Getting the Most Out on a of Your Public Library?

Nate is from the Snohomish Library will introduce strategies for using public libraries in your genealogical research and give a tour of resources and services available from Sno-Isle Libraries.

Bio: Nate has worked as a Librarian with Sno-Isle Libraries for 30 years. His love for libraries began at an early age due to being a military brat and moving every 2 years. Being a shy kid, (at least until basketball season rolled around), libraries became his refuge whenever he arrived in a new town. Over his career, genealogical research has evolved from a professional requirement to a personal passion.

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly meeting will follow.

SDIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, April 18th for our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

Also, if you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

For more information visit

Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society Digging Deeper Into Part 2

Presentation – Diving Deeper Into Two  

(This presentation and meeting will not be available via Zoom)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Donna Snider will be back speaking in person at our April 9th meeting. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

Donna’s topic: Diving Deeper Into – Part Two

This will be a continuation of the February presentation by Donna.

Time to expand your research in  You’ve processed all those handy Record Hints for your ancestor, so now what?  FamilySearch has a vast amount of records that are only available with a deeper dive.  Come learn some tips and tricks that will make your dive more effective and less frustrating.  

Bio: Donna Snider is Director of the Camano-Stanwood FamilySearch Center on nearby Camano Island. Her life-long love of family history propelled her through many hours of recording memories for the elderly, through several college genealogy classes, and through a B.A. in gerontology at Brigham Young University. She has taught a variety of genealogical classes over the last several decades, and her specialty is teaching others how to easily steer through the extensive program.

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly meeting will follow.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, April 18th for our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

Also, if you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

For more information visit

Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society Historic Everett part 2

Join us at the SVGS Library for a free presentation followed by our monthly meeting. Everyone is welcome!

Tuesday, March 12th at 1:00 PM

Presentation: Everett Historical Riverside Mills & Industries

Location: SVGS Library – 6111 188th PL NE, Arlington, WA

Guest Speaker: Neil Anderson of Historic Everett

Neil will be back in person (not available on Zoom) to take us on another tour of old Everett. Last year his presentation took us on a tour of of the numerous mills that once lined the Everett waterfront. This time he will take us on an expedition of the riverside mills and industries when the town was known as “The City of Smokestacks”. Images will be shown of the many prominent companies that lined the Snohomish River from North Everett south to Lowell. Sit back and enjoy the journey down memory lane.

There will be a short break after the presentation with refreshments prior to the monthly meeting.

Sue McNeil Named One of WSGS’s Outstanding Volunteers in 2023

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 600 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2023 award recipients and learn why they received the 2023 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing Sue McNeil, Washington, who was nominated by the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society (SVGS).

Sue is currently a volunteer librarian at SVGS. She also serves as the SVGS webmaster (a board position), working with our webpages, other web-related activities, as well as emailing meeting notices and other important information to the membership. This past year, she was also the featured speaker at a number of educational presentations for SVGS.

Prior to the Covid outbreak, Sue’s involvement in the Northwest Genealogical Conferences was integral to their success. She spearheaded the designing and ordering of banners and printed materials such as flyers, brochures, postcards, and the all-important syllabus.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Please type “Volunteer Award” in the subj