Noel McRae Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Noel McRae

Today we’re introducing Noel McRae of Kelso, Washington, who was nominated by the Lower Columbia Genealogical Society (LCGS). Noel has been an exemplary member of the LCGS, as he is not a genealogist. He has been a member of the society for the past eight years in order to support his wife’s genealogical pursuits.

Noel has served as president of the society for three years. He has shared his technical experience for all program presentations, and has served as the society’s liaison with the head of the meeting facility to ensure that all equipment is in good working order. He has headed a computer interest group which meets twice a year, and has devoted his time working at the annual rest stop fundraiser.

Noel has also assisted several members who are not as computer adept as he to design PowerPoint presentations.

Noel is highly deserving of being awarded a 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Award from the Washington State Genealogical Society and Lower Columbia Genealogical Society.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at

Clark County Gen Soc Hosts WSGS Awards

The WSGS Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony, which includes the announcement of the Outstanding Volunteer and Team awards, Outstanding Communication and Project awards,  WSGS President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement and Innovative Grant winners, will be Saturday, May 26, 2018 during the lunch period of Clark County Genealogical Society‘s Spring Seminar. The seminar and awards event will be held at the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site in Vancouver.

David Allen Lambert

The seminar’s featured speaker will be David Allen Lambert, New England Historic Genealogical Society‘s chief genealogist. His seminar topics include:

  • World War 1 Military
  • Great Migration Era settler research
  • Probate & Deed Records research

CCGS has planned other events during the weekend, including:

  • Hudson Bay Company Gala Reception on Friday night. David will be the honored guest and will share his genealogical gems: seemingly small finds that led to amazing stories.
  • A guided Cemetery Tour is proposed for Sunday. There will also be brochures for other local self-guided tours available at the CCGS Library.
  • For the five days before and during Memorial Weekend, The Fort Vancouver Tapestry will be displayed at the CCGS Library. Completed in 2005, this historic community project required 57 skilled stitchery workers contributing 100,000 hours over more than five years.  For more information, visit

For out-of-towners, the Hilton Hotel is offering special rates.  The Hilton’s web access page is: Be sure to  mention the CCGS group reservation code CCG.

The CCGS Spring Seminar flyer, including a registration form, can be downloaded by clicking on REGISTRATION FORM seminar 2018 or visit the CCGS website.

Patricia Manning Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Patricia McCann Manning

Today we’re introducing Patricia McCann Manning of Arlington, Washington, who was nominated by the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society (SVGS). She was recognized for her many years of service and support to the society.

Ms. Manning has held positions as secretary and treasurer with the SVGS and could always be counted on when needed – the hallmark of a true volunteer.

Extremely proud of her Alaskan family ties, Ms. Manning has allowed a number of her personal mementos to be on permanent display at the society’s library.

The Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society greatly appreciates Ms. Manning’s contribution for all that she has done for the genealogical community of Snohomish County. She thereby richly deserves the recognition of being a recipient of a 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at

Janis Littlefield Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Janis Littlefield

Today we’re introducing Janis Littlefield of Richland, Washington, who was nominated by the Tri-City Genealogical Society (TCGS). She was recognized for commitment to advance the society’s technological presence and efficiency.

Ms. Littlefield is the webmaster for the Tri-City Genealogical Society’s website and is responsible for all TCGS digital records and archives. During the past year, she has volunteered hundreds of volunteer hours to the redevelopment and redesign of the society’s website, incorporating current technology and providing an online dues payment capability for both TCGS and WSGS submittals.

Ms. Littlefield’s unselfish dedication and willingness to share her talents for the good of the society illustrates that she richly deserved being a recipient of a 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at

TCGS Library Recataloging and Renumbering Team Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing the Tri-City Genealogical Society’s Recataloging and Renumbering Team. The team was comprised of Sandra Floberg, Veronica Anquiano, Linda Stephens, Dan Metzger, Mikal McKinnon and Margie Beldin.

This team spend hundreds of hours cataloging over 3,000 individual volumes of books jointly held by the TCGS and the Richland Family History Center. The team disposed of duplicates, reviewed holdings, developed an electronic catalog, renumbered the holdings using the Salt Lake Family History Library schema and provided the listing for review by the Salt Lake Library. Once approved, the volumes will be relabled.

The Library Recataloging and Renumbering Team has dedicated their time and dedication so anyone doing online genealogy research through the Salt Lake Library will be able to identify the holdings in Richland and visit to access them. Their efforts demonstrate that they richly deserved being a recipient of a 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at

WAGS Leadership Team Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society Leadership Team

Today we’re introducing the Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society’s Leadership Team (WAGS). The team members are Shirley Acheson, Phyllis Barnett, Barbara Congdon, Hank LuBean, Sandra McBride, Patty Ostendorff, Lynda Pheasant, Susan Rumble and Mary Swartz.

This team made an extraordinary commitment to the value of planning for long-term success of WAGS. Each year the team has participated in a series of strategic planning sessions, and has diligently pursued the process of building leadership skills. The former broad mission statement was reformatted into the concise statement: “WAGS connects, collects, and protects family histories.” The Board Operational Calendar, established as an outcome of previous strategy sessions, was revised to better reflect current operations. Key committees now provide written reports each month for Board meetings. Budget requests are submitted in advance of the coming year, available for year-end review and planning by the budget/finance committee. To raise the overall leadership skills of its board members, an educational component is incorporated into each monthly meeting.

In addition to serving an elected or appointed position, each person on WAGS’s Leadership Team also voluntarily contributes in multiple areas to create the successful genealogical organization that WAGS has become.

The dedication and commitment of the WAGS Leadership Team illustrate that it richly deserved being a recipient of a 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at

Mary Kathryn Kozy Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Mary Kathryn (Crews) Kozy

Today we’re introducing Mary Kathryn Kozy of Kent, Washington, who was nominated by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Washington State (JGSWS). She was recognized for her exceptional leadership and consistent support of the JGSWS.

Ms. Kozy has been an active member of the JGSWS for nine years. She has enthusiastically served on the society’s board for the past seven years, holding various board and volunteer positions, including president and secretary. She currently serves as the membership chair. Ms. Kozy is always quick to help society members with their research questions and has presented a number of programs to the society, particularly on DNA topics. She has been involved in many genealogical projects over the years including FamilySearch indexing, maintaining USGenWeb websites, records transcription projects, lecturing and teaching. She currently serves as an LDS Family History Missionary.

Ms. Kozy is a respected, dedicated member of the JGSWS, and richly deserved being a recipient of a 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at

Your WSGS Board at Work

February 10th the WSGS board met at the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society library in Union Gap, Washington.

The board meets four times a year to discuss genealogical matters important to everyone in the State of Washington. Besides the officers at the meeting, committee chairs are asked to attend. Any WSGS member can attend also. Usually the night before most of the attendees go to a no host dinner at the Sea Galley Restaurant to get to know each other. First order of business at the board meeting was to swear in the recently elected board members and regional reps. All the officers are listed here  WSGS President Ginny Majewsky was checking the wording of the oath.

Region 7 (Spokane, Stevens and Pend Oreille counties) is looking for a rep. We are also looking for a Historian and an Awards Chairman, so if you know someone that would be interested please contact Ginny Majewski.

Probably the biggest change to come from this board meeting is the change in the dues for 2019. The dues will be $12 for members, families, and societies. You can still pay with your local society so you only need to write one check, but no discount that way, still $12, and the society will not get any of the $12 for handling the paperwork.

Art Kelly Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Art Kelly

Today we’re introducing Art Kelly of Richland, Washington, who was nominated by the Tri-City Genealogical Society (TCGS). He was recognized for his dedication and enthusiasm to improve his local society.

Mr. Kelly joined the Tri-City Genealogical Society a few years ago after moving to the area. He immediately began to contribute to their success, volunteering wherever he was needed. Using his exceptional networking skills, he developed contacts throughout the community to advance TCGS event publicity.  Last year Mr. Kelly took over organizing the programs for their monthly meetings and has provided a year of unique and exceptional presentations. After unexpected circumstances created a need to fill the vice president’s position, Mr. Kelly stepped up, agreeing to serve.

The Tri-City Genealogical Society is a much better organization for his enthusiastic participation and effort. There is no doubt, Mr. Kelly richly deserved being a recipient of a 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at

Darryl Jones Awarded 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2017 award recipients and learn why they received the 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Darryl Jones

Today we’re introducing Darryl Jones of Yakima, Washington, who was nominated by the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society (YVGS). He was recognized for his all-around dedication and enthusiasm for YVGS and the field of genealogy.

Mr. Jones became interested in genealogy while attending a family reunion 30 years. After retiring, he got serious about doing genealogical research and joined the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society in 2014.

In addition to improving his research skills, Mr. Jones has been very active in the society, including working on the semiannual yard sale and taking charge of the printer cartridge recycling program. He has also worked on several maintenance projects and found time to take a shift as a librarian at the YVGS library.

Mr. Jones has proven he is an outstanding volunteer, and undeniably deserved being a recipient of a 2017 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Interim Recognition Chair, at