Tacoma-Pierce County Gen Society Newsflash

The next Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting is Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 6:00. 


Jill Morelli will be presenting both the pre-meeting “Educational” program, with a  discussion session on “Why attend conferences and Institutes?” and the main program at the monthly meeting of TPCGS on November 8, at Bates Technology College, South Campus.  The topic for the main program is “The ‘Push’ and the ‘Pull’.  Decision Making of the 19th Century Emigrant”.  She will explore the myths and the truths surrounding emigration decision-making.  Using a letter home, she will break down the reasons for emigration using an original source and indirect evidence.

Jill lives in Seattle and is a professional genealogist who is a lecturer, writer and researcher.  She is a member of the Genealogical Speakers Guild, the Association of Professional Genealogists and numerous other societies.

TPCGS monthly meetings are held September – May at Bates Technical College, South Campus, Building E, 2201 South 78th St., Tacoma.  Meetings are from 6pm – 9pm.  In between the two talks, there will be a short business meeting along with a social time and light refreshments.

Visitors are always welcome, so bring a friend! Find more information at www.tpcgs.org