Online Irish Records with Find My Past and Ancestry With Steven W. Morrison October 22, 2019 @ 1:00 PM Most of us start our family history with what we’ve been able to collect at home. But how does that line up with the historical records from the Emerald Isle? Explore and compare Irish records available on both Find My Past & Ancestry before paying for a subscription. $20.00 members / $25.00 non-members For reservations please stop by HQRL at 1007 Main Street, Sumner WA 98390 or call HQRL at 253-863-1806. After reserving a seat, if you are unable to attend the class, please call to cancel so that others may attend.
OCTOBER 12, 2019 We need your help!
The number of registered attendees for Autumn Quest Seminar is down and we have plenty of room.
This is a great opportunity to see and hear DAVE OBEE, Internationally known speaker.
Get your Registration in NOW!
The fastest way to register is to call us at: (253) 863-1806 with your Credit Card number, or Registration information.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Emerald Queen Ballroom & Conference Center
5580 Pacific Highway East
Fife, WA 98424
Attention! That’s military talk for listen up! And that’s what we did during keynote speaker Michael Strauss’s presentations. Entertaining, energetic, informative — everything from the Colonial Wars through WWII. All three sessions kept us rapt with “attention!”
Diane Carter from Aberdeen channeling her Colonial ancestor
An always super fun activity at the conference is the “Dress Like Your Ancestor Day.” It was so fun to see attendees dressed as their Salem Witch ancestor (complete with noose), Colonial dame (watch out for that hoop skirt!), Norwegian (or German or New England or Irish or…other parts of the globe) ancestor. We all love to talk about our ancestors and today it was so fun to see them walking around the conference.
My two “extra” classes today were Sara Cochran’s “Irish Eyes Are Smiling: Finding Vital Records in the Land of Sain” and “Motive, Means and Opportunity: The Sad Saga of George Richards” with Jean Hibben. I’d never taken a workshop with their instructor, but will in the future. Great information and presentations!
Yo ho! Yo ho!
Ahoy, maties! The evening closed with the annual banquet at the Gleneagle Golf Course. The always entertaining Daniel Earl kept us laughing all through his presentation on pirates. Yes, pirates! Who would have known how piracy affected our ancestors!
Tomorrow’s the last day of the conference, but a full one. Looking forward to hearing Thomas MacEntee — via video conference. Unfortunately, Thomas was unable to fly to the conference, but being the professional that he is, conference organizers arranged to have him live through the wonders of technology.
You could feel the excitement and energy in the building as more than 250 genealogy enthusiasts gathered at the Byrnes Performing Arts Center for the first full day of the 2019 Northwest Genealogy Conference.
Our keynote speaker was the amazing Angie Bush. Angie is a senior genealogist with Ancestry ProGenealogists. She’s also one of my favorite DNA speakers. She uses clear language, great examples and case studies and really keeps up on the ever-changing world of DNA.
Angie Bush speaking at Thursday’s conference
Angie’s presentations today included Direct Line Testing (Y-DNA & mtDNA), Answering Genealogical Questions with Autosomal DNA and Power Tools to Make the Most of Your DNA Test. I had many “ah ha’s” to take home to apply to my own DNA results. Lots of notes scribbled on my syllabus.
Jill Morelli channeling her inner Sherlock Holmes with Roxanne Lowe
In addition to the three keynote presentations, the conference attendees had to make the difficult choice of choosing just two workshops from the ten offered. I opted for Janice Lovelace’s “Becoming Washington: Who Came to the Northwest and Why” and “The Genealogical Proof Standard According to Sherlock Holmes” with Jill Morelli. Both classes were standing room only — more chairs brought in to Janice’s Washington class and Jill’s Sherlock Holmes class was moved to a bigger classroom.
I had a chance to visit a few vendors — interesting! Will buy raffle tickets and visit the Heritage Quest Research Library book store tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow…great fun is in store! It’s “Dress Like Your Ancestor” day! You can still register for the day. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. We’re waiting for you!
The Northwest Genealogy Conference is one of the region’s best learning and networking opportunities. I look forward to it all year and today didn’t disappoint! In case you hadn’t heard, the conference, in its sixth year, is August 14 – 17, 2019, at the Byrnes Performing Arts Center at Arlington High School.
Angie Bush showing Julie Miller from Olympia how to maximize her DNA matches on AncestryDNA.
The afternoon began for many taking advantage of Janet O’Conor Camarata’s free beginning class. I saw more than beginners in the class — there’s always something new to learn or relearn in the world of genealogy. There were also three “advanced workshops” offered: Connecting DNA Matches with Angie Bush, Family History Writing with Lisa Alzo and Disaster Proofing Your Research with Sara Cochran. There was a lot of buzz about all three classes.
Daniel Earl and Michael Strauss enjoyed Wednesday evening’s Meet and Greet
The evening closed with a “Meet and Greet” taco bar at the Gleneagle Golf Course. What a great way to see old friends and make new ones.
Tomorrow we’ll be treated to three DNA-related plenary sessions with Angie Bush and “Making the Most from Your Public Library” with Jennifer Foreman. In addition to Angie’s and Jennifer’s presentations, we’ll also have to choose just two classes from the ten offered — everything from death, dying and burial customs to finding ancestors without the 1890 census. In combing through the 170-page syllabus, I’m not sure how I’ll be able to choose!
If you aren’t one of the 250+ people who have already registered for the conference, don’t despair! You can register at the door for one day, two days or all three! You can’t register online anymore (and meals are not available for on-site registrants), but show up at the door and the uber-efficient volunteers from conference host Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society will get you set up. Just show up early! Doors open at the Byrnes Performing Arts Center at 7:30 a.m.
I’m excited, full of energy and enthusiasm! More tomorrow…
There is only a week before the Northwest Genealogy Conference, August 14-17 in Arlington, WA.
If you’re still thinking about whether to attend or not, consider these benefits and offerings:
Unlimited networking with other enthusiastic genealogists.
More than two dozen top-notch presenters offering more than 30 classes. Keynote speakers will be Thomas MacEntee (through the magic of video), Angie Bush and Michael Strauss — all amazing presenters. What an opportunity to hear nationally renowned experts right here in Western Washington!
Whether you consider yourself a beginner or more advanced genealogist, attend the FREE beginning genealogy session on Wednesday, the 14th, with Janet Conor Camarata. There’s always something to learn (or relearn!) in the world of genealogy.
There are still openings in some of the “advanced” workshops held on Wednesday. Pre-registration and payment is required. Click here for more information.
If you’ve got a young person interested in attending, a complimentary youth registration (ages 13-17) is available with one paid full conference registration. (Email or call the Society at 360-435-4838 for further information.)
Vendors! Vendors! Vendors! Don’t miss the opportunity to see what’s new!
Sign up for all three days or just one — fit it into your schedule.
Maybe you’ll find a cousin if you post a surname message on the Cousin Board in the registration area. A great way to connect with other attendees.
Don’t miss this opportunity. Sign up today by clicking here.
Sign up for one of the best bargains of the summer! A FREE Beginning Genealogy day with Janet Camarata on August 14th at the Northwest Genealogy Conference in Arlington. Sign up here.
During Janet’s jam-packed workshop (1:00 – 4:30 p.m.), she’ll cover:
Janet Conor Camarata
Are you a Genealogist or Family Historian?
The Basics of the Genealogical Hunt
Organizing Strategies for Genealogy Success
Locating Genealogy Records Online and Off-line
Techniques and Tools to Transform your Approach to Research
Resources and References for Improved Research Results
Tips to avoid Genealogy Traps, Confusion, and Overload
The Next Steps as a Genealogist
Don’t consider yourself a beginner? Good for you, but I can attest that I learn (or relearn!) something in every workshop I attend. So, sign up for this great opportunity whether you’re a beginner or intermediate or advanced researcher!
The Northwest Genealogy Conference is pleased to announce that Janet Camarata has graciously stepped up to replace Thomas MacEntee on Wednesday August 14th for the FREE Beginning Genealogy Class to be held at the beautiful (air conditioned) Byrnes Performing Arts Center in Arlington. You can register at and get the details of the other exciting classes being offered …online registration closes Aug 13 – don’t miss this fun event!
Preserving The Past
Delta Hotels Helena Colonial September 19, 20, 21, 2019Hosted by the Montana State Genealogical Society and the Lewis and Clark County Genealogical SocietyClick to download Full Schedule & Registration Form
Featuring National Speakers:
German Life’s Family Research / Familie Forschung columnist James M. Beidler
is the author of two successful commercially published German genealogy
books (The Family Tree German Genealogy Guide and Trace Your German
Roots Online). His newest book is The Family Tree Historical Newspapers
Guide. Beidler writes “Roots & Branches,” a weekly newspaper column
and blog (at He is also a research-reports
editor for the worldwide research firm Legacy Tree Genealogists.
A Senior Archivist at the Archives of Michigan, where he specializes in family history and Michigan research, Kris Rzepczynski
has worked in the genealogical community for nearly 20 years. He holds a
Master of Library and Information Science from Wayne State University
and a Master of Arts in History from Western Michigan University. Kris
has presented at national, state, and local conferences, including the
Federation of Genealogical Societies, National Genealogical Society,
Ohio Genealogical Society, Historical Society of Michigan, Indiana
Historical Society, and for dozens of local genealogical societies and
public libraries, and is a former Vice-President of Membership for the
Federation of Genealogical Societies and a former President of the
Mid-Michigan Genealogical Society.
James M. Beidler will present:
will find their research extends to an ancestor said to be “born in
Pennsylvania” without additional information. Learn the strategies for
making the needle bigger and the haystack smaller in this type of
“Pennsylvania Germans” were a different breed than the “German
Americans” who immigrated in the 1800’s. This presentation shows the
differences in geography, economic class, religion, and aspirations of –
as well as sources about – the two great waves of German immigration
as well as reviewing “the basics” of German genealogy.
methodology of using the baptismal, confirmation, marriage and burial
records from German church registers most effectively. By utilizing the
different bits of information found in each, researchers can zigzag
their way to adding centuries to a pedigree.
EUROPE: Millions of German-speaking people never spent a day in
today’s countries of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. For centuries,
German-speaking enclaves existed in Eastern Europe. This presentation
introduces and gives historical background about these “Germans outside
Kris Rzepczynski will present:
Although one of the most important tools in family history research,
naturalization records can often be very difficult to locate. This
program will explore naturalization records, the many tools available
to assist you in your research, and successful strategies to locate
citizenship records, utilizing both online and print resources.
studies from Chicago, Detroit, and other cities, this program will
explore successful strategies for researching ancestors in large urban
centers across the US.
full of archives and libraries bursting with genealogical records and
online content. This session will explore some of the key research
institutions and their collections.
HISTORY: Our ancestor’s lives are so much more than just names and
dates on a pedigree chart. This program will explore record collections
and examples beyond the basics that can provide rich detail and reveal
fantastic stories about your ancestors’ lives.
Registration Fees:
2 full days without meals: $70.00
Full Registration with 3 meals (2 lunches & 1 banquet): $134.00
Friday Only without meals: $45.00
Saturday Only without meals: $30.00
Accommodations at the Conference Hotel:
The Conference will be held at the Delta Hotels Helena Colonial, 2301
Colonial Drive, Helena, Montana. Rates are $109.00/night plus taxes
for 2 bedded rooms and $119.00/night plus taxes for king bedded rooms.
Over 2 persons per room additional $10.00 each person. Reserve your
room, BEFORE 19 AUGUST 2019 to receive these rates. To reserve a room online or Phone: 406-443-2100 and state you are with the MT State Genealogical Society.
Watch this site for additional updates as they become available.
Click Registration Form to download the Complete Schedule & Registration Form.
For more information contact page updated 17 July 2019
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