Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society Solutions to Researching in Today’s Economy

Morning Members and Friends!

Just a reminder of the upcoming program this Saturday, September 14th at 1:00pm. We will be be discussing ways to best fulfill our research quests in today’s rising costs for subscription and membership fees.

We all want reputable and reliable resources for our work but for some researchers that is becoming a unattainable goal. This program bring suggestions and recommendations on how to best navigate resources in genealogy and history research. Laurel Smith will be joining us from the Genealogical Forum of Oregon providing information on their online databases which you can access from home and their new database NewspaperArchive. 

Please join us! The program is free as always and guests are welcome.

Please register here: 

See you soon!

Skagit Valley Genealogical Society Program Change: Cousin Baiting & Cousin Stalking

We apologize for the unexpected change and disappointment. But Christine Cohen’s presentation promises to be very informative and helpful for our

family research.

ITEM 2:  SVGS’ Weekly Digest Communications Chair, Barbara Johnson, is experiencing some unexpected health issues. We most importantly want Barb to get her helpful rest and recover ASAP so she can return to sharing her wit and wisdom with us on Mondays each week. So, two things please note:

1. There may not be an SVGS Weekly Digest this Monday, Sept 9th. That will be up to how Barb is feeling. We all understand and wish her Get Well Soon.

2. RE: Monthly Meeting Zoom Link: Either Barb or I have typically been the ones to email you as an SVGS member the ZOOM Link for the 2nd Saturday Monthly Meetings. Well, this month (September only) I am out-of town and out of reach of cell tower range in the wilderness on vacation and Barb is working on her health recovery. So, please make a note in your EMAIL INBOX and SPAM folder for the Saturday, Sept. 14 Monthly Meeting ZOOM LInk to be sent from SVGS Board MemberGeorge Ridgeway. His email address is:

Please keep a lookout for that email with the Zoom link so you don’t miss the meeting. 

Sorry for the program change at this late date. “Life is what happens while you are making other plans” as John Lennon once said. How true!

I hope you enjoyed a lovely summer break, got lots of genealogy research in during the hiatus and that you will come join us on Saturday, Sept 14 for an interesting and educational program. AND….don’t forget to come join the fun and research help offered on the Genealogy Interest Group on 2nd Tuesdays of the Month from 11am-1pm at the Burlington Public Library (we will either be in the conference room or Gentry Room. So come look for us)

See you in October!

Clallam County Genealogical Society Ancestry Pro Tools

Saturday, September 14th       9:45 to 11:00

The Clallam Genealogical Society will present Ancestry Pro Tools: Not Just for Professionals by Claudia Breland at their monthly meeting.

Earlier this year rolled out an additional service called “Pro Tools,” which costs $10 per month.  This service includes charts, reports and analysis of your family tree discovering duplicates and errors.  And most useful to all those working with DNA, the program will include analyses of your shared matches and how much DNA they share with each other.  According to Claudia,  “This last one is a game-changer and worth every penny.”

In her presentation, Claudia will share how to use this new and powerful tool.

Claudia Breland is a professional genealogist since 2008, and has been involved with genealogy for 50 years.  She has a masters degree in library science.  She teaches classes, is a wonderful lecturer, has written several books and articles, and continues her studies in an everchanging world.

All are welcome to hear her presentation.   There is no charge for this lecture. 

You may join us by watching on Zoom or attending the lecture at the Clallam County Genealogical Society’s Research Center located at 402 E. 8th street in Port Angeles, Washington.

For more information or to get the Zoom meeting number and passcode, contact CCGS by phone:  (360) 417-5000 or by email:

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Monthly Educational Meeting

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Monthly Educational Meeting

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, starting at 6:00 pm

This month our educational meetings resume on Tuesday September 10, at 6:00 pm in person at the Parkland/Spanaway Library and on Zoom at 6:15. This will be interactive with attendees sharing what they did genealogy-wise over the summer and there will be short 5-to-10-minute presentations.

Our meetings are held monthly except for July and August starting at 6:00 PM, Zoom comes live about 6:15 PM.

Attend in person at:

Parkland/Spanaway Branch of Pierce County Library

13718 Pacific Ave S.

Tacoma, WA 98444

Attend virtually via Zoom:

Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 1814 3644

Passcode: 630507

One tap mobile

+12532050468,,86718143644#,,,,*630507# US

+12532158782,,86718143644#,,,,*630507# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

        +1 253 205 0468 US

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 867 1814 3644

Passcode: 630507

Find your local number:

Tri-City Genealogical Society Making Plans for 2025 Need Input

Once again, the Tri-Cities Genealogical Society (TCGS) is trying to make plans for the upcoming year, and we need your input.

We are currently holding “hybrid” meetings, a combination of live and Zoom. If you have not joined us through Zoom because you are not confident using video conferencing, we would be happy to help you understand how it works.

What kinds of programs are you interested in? 

We not only have local speakers but can bring in guest presenters, via Zoom, to speak on any number of topics.

There are also training sessions from Ancestry, Family Search, and My Heritage as well as Legacy Family Tree webinars.

We need to know what you want to know!

We currently are meeting in the recently renovated Richland FamilySearch Center (RFSC), formerly the Richland Family History Center on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 pm. The entrance is located on the lower level of 1314 Goethals, across from Dairy Queen. 

RFSC is always looking for library volunteers. If you don’t have time to volunteer for a shift at the library, perhaps you would be willing to share your expertise on your favorite area of research through a TCGS presentation or a scheduled appointment with someone who could benefit from your knowledge.

Please contact me if you have any suggestions for programs or would be willing to present one.

Contact Dale Breckon at the RFSC, 509-241-8310, if you would be willing to help patrons at the FamilySearch Center.

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society DAR Genealogy Resources

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Monthly Meeting & Presentation – DAR Genealogy Resources

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Jacqueline Riddell will be speaking at our September 10th meeting. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

Jacqueline’s topic: DAR Genealogy Resources

Washington State Regent, Jacqueline Riddell, will introduce us to DAR Genealogy Resources. The Genealogical Research System (GRS) provided by Daughter’s of the American Revolution is a free online portal to various genealogical databases. Additionally, the GRS provides resources related to the Revolutionary War. If you are interested in exploring your lineage or researching Revolutionary patriot ancestors, the GRS is a valuable resource.

Bio: Jacqueline is the Washington State Regent for DAR and has been a member of the DAR since 2011. She has an undergraduate degree in journalism, a master’s degree in business, and a certificate in genealogy and family studies.

There will be a short break after the presentation with refreshments before our monthly meeting.

New England Interest Group

The SVGS New England Interest Group (includes New York and Pennsylvania) that usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month will meet instead on September 10th prior to the DAR Presentation at 10 am. All are welcome to join in!

If you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for this group, please send an email to and request to be added to the New England Interest Group email list.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, September 19th for our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

If you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

For more information visit

Lower Columbia Genealogical Society Mennonite Roots

Pat Hershberger

Pacific Northwest Mennonite Society

Genealogist and Lecturer


Speaker at the Lower Columbia Genealogical Society’s

September 12th Zoom meeting.

Virtual meeting doors will open at 6:30 pm and speakers

program will begin at 7:00 pm. Public is invited to attend

For a link to join the meeting contact

Yakima Valley Genealogical Society September Meeting

Yakima Valley Genealogical Society

1901 S. 12th Avenue

Union Gap, WA 98903

Phone: (509) 248-1328


Yakima Valley Genealogical Society

General Meeting

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024

Location: Y.V.G.S. Library 10:00 a.m.

Following the General Meeting, Richard Kyle will be giving a presentation on two of the links on under Internet Resources. Covering the Bureau of Land Management Site or GLO Records and the title LDS Genealogy link. Great link with up to 1000’s records. 

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Survivors of Disasters

Survivors of Disasters: How Deadly Forces of Nature Impacted our Ancestors’ Lives

 Friday, September 20, 2024

10:00 am

Zoom Only – Please Register

L-R: Robin Engel is a retired lawyer and native Washingtonian.

Karen Strelow is a retired physical education specialist.

Rene Vance is a retired chemical engineer.

All three are members of the Skagit Valley Genealogical Society.

Click Here to Register

In the extreme, weather and natural disasters have a direct impact on the lives and deaths of our ancestors. In more subtle ways, conditions may influence their relocation, helping to expain the “why”, “where” and “when” of their movements.

Our presenters will share their stories of volcanoes, blizzards, avalanches, floods, tornadoes and heat waves, and how they affected their ancestors lives.