LeAnne Koliha of Marysville has been nominated to serve as WSGS Vice President for the 2025-2026 term. Additionally, Frank McLean of Yakima has been nominated for another term as Treasurer. The term of offices is 01 Jan 2025 through 31 Dec 2026.
Online voting for the slate will begin 08 Dec 2024 and run through 15 Dec. All WSGS members will receive an email with a Google link to their anonymous ballot. Members are asked to vote for each position. Write-in nominations are allowed. There is also space for suggestions and comments.
LeAnne’s candidate statement:
LeAnne Kohila
I am excited to be nominated as Vice President of the Washington Society Genealogical Society. I look forward to this opportunity to serve as WSGS continues to find ways to support the local societies and individual genealogists.
I was born in Yakima, Washington, and have spent most of my life on оne side of the mountains or the other. After high school I spent a year as an exchange student living in The Netherlands. I graduated from Central Washington University with a major in special education.
After teaching for nine years, I went back to school myself. I received my law degree from Lewis and Clark Law School in 1985. I retired from the law in 1996. Being retired was boring so I went back into education until 2009.
My husband and I lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana from 2010 until his health required him to take medical retirement and we returned to the Northwest.
I have been interested in genealogy for years. I have had the good fortune to be able to research my father’s family by visiting the areas of France and Germany where his parents were born. I am member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Lady Stirling Chapter in Bothell, and Daughters of the American Colonists, Pilchuck Chapter in Lynnwood, where I am the chapter registrar. I am just finishing a term as vice president of the library for the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society.
Frank’s candidate statement:
I have been a member of WSGS since 1988 and have served in nearly every office, including President and Treasurer. I am currently WSGS Treasurer, as well as chair of the Pioneer Certificate Program and chief reviewer of the Pioneer Pursuit effort. I am also the Buildings and Grounds supervisor at the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society.
Frank McLean
I have a vested interest in seeing the society become a more useful organization to local societies and individual genealogists. Over the years, I have seen a lot of changes in WSGS, but am hoping for more. I am particularly interested in making WSGS an organization that provides value to societies. WSGS is interested in what services and opportunities it can provide. I also hope we can generate interest in expanding individual participation, maybe serving on the board or helping some other way. I would appreciate your support in moving WSGS in a positive direction.
Speaker – Richard Kyle will cover four alternatives about where and how to record your genealogy. Discussing the following methods:
1. Paper Records
2. Ancestry
3. Family Search
4. Legacy Family Tree
The advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods for recording your family history.
The cost for the event is $5.00 per person. Sign-up sheet on the librarian’s desk in the library. You can also sign up by emailing at rkyle98902@charter.net or Judy Schuster at upperwenas@fairpoint.net
Following the General Meeting, Judy Schuster will be giving a presentation on www.yvgs.net under Internet Resources, look for linkpendium (Free internet site). This website is fantastic.
Following the General Meeting, Richard Kyle will be giving a presentation on two of the links on www.yvgs.net under Internet Resources. Covering the Bureau of Land Management Site or GLO Records and the title LDS Genealogy link. Great link with up to 1000’s records.
Following the General Meeting, Barbee Buchanan is giving a presentation on the many books that cover the state and counties of Tennessee. Being the 16th state in the Union. Rich in history. More Civil War battles were fought in Tennessee than any other state except Virginia. If your ancestors settled or traveled thru Tennessee, this would be a beneficial presentation.
Subject: The DAR Library & Y.V.G.S. Military Room.
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