October 23rd is fast approaching, but there is still time to sign up for the Sacramento German Genealogy Society Annual Fall Webinar: Your Ancestors and the World of Cartography (Pinpointing Place and Time). The webinar will be via Zoom with a $20.00 fee. Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_alwalRE6QyKomhZYYKxmdA
This promises to be a phenomenal webinar. We have arranged an amazing lineup of speakers:Elod Biszack, CEO of Arcanum Database Ltd, will speak to us from Hungary. If you have ever done research in the Austrian Empire, you have heard of the amazing mapping source, Mapire. This is just one of the projects Arcanum is responsible for. They have digitized historical maps all over Europe and beyond.Heiko Mühr, Map Metadata and Curatorial Specialist at UC Berkeley, will share how to use their collection of German Captured Maps from WWII and then talk about the hidden collection of Austrian maps discovered in the process of making the German Captured Maps available to the public. Melinda Kashuba rounds out our trio. She has a doctorate degree in Geography. She will show us how to use maps to trace our ancestors from their homes in German-speaking Europe to their settlements in the United States. Class Descriptions and Presenter Bios: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hyhtczd7i0su2su/SGGS%202021%20Annual%20Fall%20Webinar%2C%20presentation%20descriptions%20and%20bios%20final.pdf?dl=0
Regards,Amy Chidester