Mark your calendars! You don’t want to miss this one!
Saturday, March 1 “BREAKING THE SILENCE: CLOSING THE BOOK ON COLD CASES” 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm The HIVE, 2904 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA Presented by Lynda Keenan How do genealogical skills help Law Enforcement solve Cold Cases? What is Genetic Genealogy? What tools are needed to help connect DNA evidence with Genealogical research? Come learn the answers to these questions and more!
Pin Your Ancestors Down with Google Maps and Google Earth
Saturday, February 1
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
THE HIVE, 2904 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA
DOORS OPEN AT 12:30 P.M. for Social time (please come early to help set up)
Presented by Cyndi Ingle (Cyndi’s List)
Class description: Google Maps and Google Earth provide two wonderful sources for geographical assistance in tracking your ancestors and pinning them down for your research. Combined with other mapping resources online we will demonstrate how using these Google tools can give you a visual aid for your research. Follow migration paths, historical routes, and your own family’s path, marking them on the maps with information, photos and documentation.
Door Code is: 648264#
Handouts will be on the EWGSi website the day before this presentation. (Please print them at home.)
Zoom link will be on the EWGSi website the day prior the the presentation.
Free Table
50/50 Contest
Please remember to bring any donations you might have for the April Book Sale or the October Auction. Paula Davis will accept donations at any meeting.
Southside Community Center at 3151 E 27th Ave. Spokane, WA 99223
TOPIC “The Future of Genealogy Societies”
Handouts are available now on the website (print them at home)
Guest Speaker : Dr. Joshua Taylor, president of the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society, is a nationally recognized speaker. His contributions to the field have been acknowledged through numerous awards, including Rootstech’s Distinguished Presenter Award.
(the Zoom link will be sent to registrants via email the day prior to the presentation.)
Program will include:
Recognition of 2025 Board Members and 2024 outgoing Board members and Past President
Committee volunteers and chairpersons
Recognition of our amazing volunteers! We couldn’t do this without them!
Lunch: Clam Chowder, Creamy Italian Sausage & Pasta and Lentil Soups, Caesar Salad and Bread. Assorted cupcakes for dessert.
**Cost: $40 for members, $50 for non-members, and $20 for zoomers.
How to Register:
2. YOU MAY ALSO PAY IN OUR STORE (Click on Store and follow the directions there)
3. You can mail your registration to: EWGS – 816 W Francis, Suite 572, Spokane, WA 99205(Deadline for mail-in is December 27th)
No refunds after December 31, 2024
The Ways and Means Committee is planning a book auction for April.
Please bring your best genealogy-related books to Paula Davis. She will accept your donations at any meeting.
(There will be containers to bring home some of your new favorites.)
Bring your toy donations. Deadline is Dec. 11th.
Raffles. 50/50 raffle. Free Table.
Saturday, December 7 Lynda Keenan presents: “Brotherhoods Beyond Blood: Tracing Your Ancestors in Fraternal Organizations” 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm THE HIVE AND ZOOM
Zoom Link will be on the website the day before the presentation. Please print your handouts prior to the class…there will be none available that day. If anyone is available at 11:00, please come and help set up.
Lynda is a Genetic Genealogist, with over 35 years of genealogy experience. Her presentation will look at Fraternal Organizations. Why could researching Fraternities be helpful? What types of Organizations are there and are there still major records that may still exist today?”
Come have coffee and cookies together as we learn about Early Spokane Neighborhoods
Saturday, November 2 “Where Did They Live? – Discovering Early Spokane’s Lost Immigrant Neighborhoods” 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm THE HIVE; 2904 E Sprague, Spokane, WA (also available on ZOOM) Presented by Richard Sola
Join us for the story of immigrants who came to Spokane in the early 1900s where they created vibrant neighborhoods that have long since disappeared.
Research tips will weave throughout this presentation so you can start using accessible primary resources to find lost immigrant neighborhoods, both in Spokane and other communities of your ancestors.
(Apply under the “Member’s Only” Tab on the website.)
Saturday, October 5 THE FUTURE OF GENEALOGY (Seminar) 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Southside Community Center – 3151 E 27th Ave, Spokane, WA 99223 HYBRID: (IN PERSON AND ZOOM) Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Guest speaker Steve Little; “AI Genealogy: The Basics and a Bit Beyond!” Blaine Bettinger: Youtube interview presenting “10 ChatGPT Prompts Every Genealogist Needs to Know” Thomas MacEntee: “Translating, Transcribing and Summarizing Documents Using AI”COSTS: $40 – MEMBERS$50 – NON MEMBERS$20 – ZOOMERS Lunch and snacks included for those who attend in person. PAYMENT BY CHECK? YOU MUST HAVE YOUR CHECK MAILED BY SEPTEMBER 27TH!YOU MAY PAY AT THE DOOR BUT YOU ARE NOT GUARANTEED A LUNCH Cancellation Policy: Cancellations MUST BE received by Sept 30, 2024, no later than 5:00 p.m. for a full refund. Your handout and zoom link will be emailed to you within 2-3 days PRIOR to the seminar. REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE IN OUR EWGS WEBSITE STORE.
Let’s get together with friends and learn about Friends!
Bring some cookies.
Bring some cash for raffles.
Bring your raffle/auction donation items.
Bring items for the free table.
But most of all bring yourself!
Saturday, September 7 Finding Your Friends in Early American Quaker Research 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm THE HIVE AND ZOOM Lori Lee Sauber presents: “FINDING YOUR FRIENDS IN EARLY AMERICAN QUAKER RESEARCH” An entertaining and informative story of a seemingly simple question that unexpectedly unravels into multiple coast-to-coast research journeys. Lori Lee asked, “Who were my grandmother’s people?” and found herself developing a primer for researching Early American Quaker families. Learn how to undertake your own Quaker research through her story of beautiful souls, living and dead, that helped her on her journey.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an expert!
Read to the bottom of the message for more about this meeting.
Saturday, June 1 Newspaper Research 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Hybrid Meeting at The Hive – 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202 Newspaper Research by Sunny Jane Morton Comparing the U.S. Newspaper Giants:Over a billion digitized newspaper pages are now searchable at online historical newspaper archives such as Chronicling America,, GenealogyBank, NewspaperArchive and But which should you use? Is it worth subscribing to one of the premium sites? Learn how they stack up for total amount of digitized content; geographic coverage; unique features and tools; subscription options; and more. My tips and comparative analyses will help you more confidently choose and use these newspaper websites. 1:00-3pm, doors open at 12:30
Sylabus: will be available on the website the day before the meeting.
(be sure to print your copy before you arrive.)
Zoom Link: available on the website the day before the meeting.
Bring some cookies to share…are there ever enough cookies?!?
Free Table:
Bring any items that may help someone else with their research.
Take something home that may help you with yours!
Bring some cash to win great prizes!
Proceeds from raffles/auctions/book sales are one of the ways to help our society continue to offer great educational opportunities.
Win Cash!!!
Also remember your $$$ for the 50/50 contest.
This money builds our scholarship fund to help those less fiscally fortunate.
Auction October 5th, 2024
Bring auction items to any EWGS meeting.
Our goal is to raise over $1000 this year!
The Ways & Means Committee will be sending updates over the summer months. You’ll get sneak peeks at what may be in the auction.
And they will offer some easy-peasy ideas of items you can donate…possibly without even leaving home!
(Be sure to read to the end of this message to discover what other treats will be offered at this event.)
Saturday, May 4
Genealogy of the Oregon Trail
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Hybrid Meeting at The Hive – 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Oregon Trail by Travis Boley, Manager of the Oregon and California Trails Association
“Join Travis Boley from the Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) as he presents on Paper Trail, OCTA’s online index to thousands of emigrant diaries from the 19th century. The diaries are indexed in a fashion to make it simple for researchers to find people, places, tribal interactions, and even numbers of wagons and animals in a train. Mr. Boley will walk us through Paper Trail and show us how to most efficiently use this valuable genealogy tool.”
1:00-3pm, doors open at 12:30 Greeters will be there to open the door
If you will be “zooming in” the Zoom link will be available on the website the day prior to the event.
Please print your handouts prior to attending; handouts will be available on the website the day prior.
If you are able, please arrive early to help set up/ or stay late to help clean up.
Free Table:
Bring research items that you no longer use;
take something home that may help you break down your brick wall.
Eat cookies and drink coffee with friends.
(If you haven’t brought cookies in a while, be sure to sign up.)
I got a sneak peek at this month’s raffles…
you will want to bring some cash to win something!
SEMINAR:Where Are You Grandpa – You Did What? Saturday, April 6 SEMINAR:Where Are You Grandpa – You Did What? (Seminars & Workshops) 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Hybrid Meeting at the South Side Community Center – 3151 E 27th Ave, Spokane, WA
We have three speakers to share their expertise with you. Handouts available on the website prior to seminar.
1) Betty Ellis speaks about land records. “Grandpa, Where Did You Farm?”
Strategies for mining U.S. Land Records to further family history research. This session will discuss descriptions in historical context, the Homesteaders, clues found in land deeds and where to search.
2) Judy Russell presenting “Where There Is – or Isn’t – a Will”
3) Sunny Jane Morton presenting “How to Find Your Family History in U.S. Church Records”
Seminar includes Lunch of baked ham, mac n’ cheese, dilled sauteed carrots, mixed green salad, carrot cake
$40 (includes lunch) $50 for non-members
$15 for Zoomers
Note: Cancellation for full refund MUST BE RECEIVED by APRIL 1 st at 5:00 P.M.. NO REFUNDS after this date.
ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Go to our STORE (located on the left side menu tab) to register. MEMBERS: You MUST log in to get the member price.
You are free to copy articles to any non-commercial web site or message board or printed publication you wish. Don’t bother to ask permission, just do it.