Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Newspaper Research

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an expert!

Read to the bottom of the message for more about this meeting.  

Newspaper Research  Saturday, June 1
Newspaper Research  
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Hybrid Meeting at
The Hive – 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Newspaper Research by Sunny Jane Morton
Comparing the U.S. Newspaper Giants:Over a billion digitized newspaper pages are now searchable at online historical newspaper archives such as Chronicling America, FultonHistory.com, GenealogyBank, NewspaperArchive and Newspapers.com. But which should you use? Is it worth subscribing to one of the premium sites? Learn how they stack up for total amount of digitized content; geographic coverage; unique features and tools; subscription options; and more. My tips and comparative analyses will help you more confidently choose and use these newspaper websites. 1:00-3pm, doors open at 12:30

Sylabus: will be available on the website EWGSi.com the day before the meeting.

(be sure to print your copy before you arrive.) 

Zoom Link: available on the website EWGSi.com the day before the meeting.

 Bring some cookies to share…are there ever enough cookies?!?

Free Table: 

Bring any items that may help someone else with their research. 

Take something home that may help you with yours!


Bring some cash to win great prizes! 

Proceeds from raffles/auctions/book sales are one of the ways to help our society continue to offer great educational opportunities.


Win Cash!!!

Also remember your $$$ for the 50/50 contest.  

This money builds our scholarship fund to help those less fiscally fortunate.

Auction October 5th, 2024

Bring auction items to any EWGS meeting. 

Our goal is to raise over $1000 this year!

The Ways & Means Committee will be sending updates over the summer months. You’ll get sneak peeks at what may be in the auction.

And they will offer some easy-peasy ideas of items you can donate…possibly without even leaving home! 

See you in the Newspapers!

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Trip to the Oregon Trail!

Please join us on this trip to the Oregon Trail!

(Be sure to read to the end of this message to discover what other treats will be offered at this event.) 

Saturday, May 4

Genealogy of the Oregon Trail  

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Hybrid Meeting at The Hive – 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202

Oregon Trail by Travis Boley, Manager of the Oregon and California Trails Association

“Join Travis Boley from the Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) as he presents on Paper Trail, OCTA’s online index to thousands of emigrant diaries from the 19th century. The diaries are indexed in a fashion to make it simple for researchers to find people, places, tribal interactions, and even numbers of wagons and animals in a train. Mr. Boley will walk us through Paper Trail and show us how to most efficiently use this valuable genealogy tool.”

  • 1:00-3pm, doors open at 12:30 Greeters will be there to open the door
  • If you will be “zooming in” the Zoom link will be available on the website EWGSi.org the day prior to the event. 
  • Please print your handouts prior to attending; handouts will be available on the website the day prior. 
  • If you are able, please arrive early to help set up/ or stay late to help clean up.

Free Table:

Bring research items that you no longer use;

take something home that may help you break down your brick wall. 


Eat cookies and drink coffee with friends. 

(If you haven’t brought cookies in a while, be sure to sign up.)


I got a sneak peek at this month’s raffles…

you will want to bring some cash to win something! 

Hint: It’s Spring, Birds Singing, Gardens Growing, Mother’s Day,

Oregon Trail…Wow!


Be sure to bring a couple bucks for the 50/50 jar!

Last month’s winner went home quite a bit richer! 


The yearly EWGS auction will take place in October. 

You can bring your donation to any meeting

or contact Brusan Wells.

Here’s an item recently donated:

See you soon on the Oregon Trail!

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society April Seminar

SEMINAR:Where Are You Grandpa – You Did What?
Saturday, April 6
SEMINAR:Where Are You Grandpa – You Did What? (Seminars & Workshops)
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Hybrid Meeting at the South Side Community Center – 3151 E 27th Ave, Spokane, WA

We have three speakers to share their expertise with you. Handouts available on the website prior to seminar.

1) Betty Ellis speaks about land records. “Grandpa, Where Did You Farm?”

Strategies for mining U.S. Land Records to further family history research. This session will discuss descriptions in historical context, the Homesteaders, clues found in land deeds and where to search.

2) Judy Russell presenting “Where There Is – or Isn’t – a Will”

3) Sunny Jane Morton presenting “How to Find Your Family History in U.S. Church Records”

Seminar includes Lunch of baked ham, mac n’ cheese, dilled sauteed carrots, mixed green salad, carrot cake

$40 (includes lunch) $50 for non-members

$15 for Zoomers

Note: Cancellation for full refund MUST BE RECEIVED by APRIL 1 st at 5:00 P.M.. NO REFUNDS after this date.



ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Go to our STORE (located on the left side menu tab) to register. MEMBERS: You MUST log in to get the member price.

Janice Moerschel Named One of WSGS’s Outstanding Volunteers in 2023

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 600 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2023 award recipients and learn why they received the 2023 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing Janice Moerschel of Spokane, Washington, who was nominated by the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society (EWGS).

For several years Janice has continually chaired a special software interest group, The Ancestry Group (TAG). She invites presenters and develops content for the monthly meetings that she initially provided with her personal Zoom account. As an important follow-up to each meeting, she provides group members with a detailed summary of the various concepts that were covered. Also, if there is a question on the society’s Facebook page about Ancestry software, Janice is quick to reply.

 Janice shepherds the EWGS annual Writing Contest from topic selection, collecting entries and forming a judging committee.  As coordinator for Digital Digest, EWGS’s quarterly periodical, Janice has an integral role in providing invaluable support to the editor by soliciting articles, sharing ideas, providing content, and giving feedback during their many collaborations.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Info@wasgs.org. Please type “Volunteer Award” in the subject line.

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Digital Archives

Saturday, March 2 DIGITAL ARCHIVES
  (EWGS Meetings) 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Hybrid Meeting at The Hive –
2904 E Sprague Ave,
Spokane, WA 99202

Digital Archives with guest speaker Robert Perret
A comprehensive presentation by the new Eastern Branch Manager of the Cheney Archives, Robert Perret. He will cover navigating digital archives, the Washington State Archives and what’s new at the Cheney Archives.
Drop a Dollar in our “fund can”  when you attend the meeting and get a chance to win 50% of the fund.  Must be present to win!  Great opportunity to support EWGS and win some extra pocket money.

Lynn Krogh Named One of WSGS’s Outstanding Volunteers in 2023

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 600 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2023 award recipients and learn why they received the 2023 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing Lynn Krogh of Spokane, Washington, who was nominated by the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society (EWGS).

Lynn joined EWGS about five years ago, and soon after was on the Ways and Means committee. This committee does the raffles at each meeting and the door prizes at our seminars. Lynn is now the committee chair of the Ways and Means committee. She picked raffle and door prizes that matched the topic of the monthly meeting or seminars. She also held a silent auction of donated items and raised almost $900.

Lynn is now on the program committee and sends out the blast e-mails announcing the upcoming meetings and seminars. She was also the EWGS NGS representative. during Covid, and kept EWGS current on what was happening at NGS.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Info@wasgs.org. Please type “Volunteer Award” in the subject line.

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Smarter Searching by Cyndi Ingle

Saturday, February 3

Smarter Searching: Refining Search Parameters for Genealogists  (EWGS Meetings)

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Hybrid Meeting at The Hive – 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202

Are you still using only the basic search options available on your favorite genealogical research sites? Do you get a lot of less-than-helpful search results? We will explore features and strategies you can use to tighten up the searches and make your online research more productive.

Smarter Searching: Refining Search Parameters for Genealogists by Cyndi Ingle (of Cyndi’s List)

We are meeting at The HIVE, 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202

1:00-3pm, doors open at 12:30

Let’s Talk About…… We’re Stronger Together!

Remember getting rope-burned-hands playing tug-o-war with a rope? And too often neither side “won,” and sometimes one side got pulled into the mud! Remember?

If there is a job to be done, isn’t it better to work together? Nobody’s hands get rope-burned that way! And the job gets done!!


I’m aiming today to sorta follow-up on our EWGS January meeting….. dedicated to service…… service to EWGS. Are some of you still on the fence about stepping up to do something for EWGS?

WHY? WHY come/mix/join/support EWGS? Here’s why:

  • EWGS people are “your kind” of people and are your friends.
  • EWGS people will welcome…and listen to…. your discovery-stories!
  • EWGS people have years of combined research knowledge and are always willing to help you. (But you gotta ask.)
  • EWGS meetings are FUN….. prizes, contests, raffles and cookies!
  • EWGS meetings are INFORMATIVE….. the EWGS board strives most diligently to offer programs of worth and interest to us. 
  • EWGS offers multiple learning opportunities…. TAG, Refocus, RootsMagic
  • EWGS offers you a way to give back to the genealogy community through service…… through volunteering to help however you can. The definition of service is, simply put, HELPING.
  • In EWGS, sometimes you’re the helper and other times you’re the helpee. (Don’t look in the dictionary for that word; I made it up. 😌)

Please click to www.EWGSI.org, especially if you’ve not in a while, and check out all that’s offered to YOU. 
And know that EWGS needs you help, big or small.  😁

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society January Luncheon

A very Happy Holiday Season to all of you!  

May you have many joyful memories for 2023.

As we get ready to welcome a New Year,

here is a peek at what we will be doing in January.  

EWGS Annual Luncheon 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Hybrid Meeting (in-person or Zoom) at the South Side Community Center –

3151 E 27th Ave, Spokane, WA

If traveling from the west: Take exit 283b Thor/Freya, turn right on Thor and go south up Thor/Ray to 27th.

If traveling from the east: Take exit 283b Thor/Freya, turn left on Thor and go south up Thor/Ray to 27th.


“The Joys of Volunteering” by Donna Potter Phillips

Recognition of outgoing and incoming Board, special awards and committees.

Doors open at 12:30 pm


Clam Chowder and Tomato Basil Bisque Soups, homemade Sourdough bread and salad.


Cost is $35 for in person and $10 for Zoom.

You must pay to attend and it’s very easy this time. No registration form.

Payment may be made online using the STORE menu choice at left on the EWGS website

OR:  you may mail a check to:

     Eastern Washington Genealogical Society
     816 W Francis
     Suite 572
     Spokane, WA 99205

Checks must be mailed by Jan. 2 2024. Online payment must be made by Jan 4, 2024.

If paying by check please include your email address. Zoom login info will be sent out by email by Jan 5.

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Frontier Justice and Cookie Exchange

Frontier Justice: Exploring the Territorial Court Case files of Eastern Washington
Saturday, December 2
Frontier Justice: Exploring the Territorial Court Case files of Eastern Washington (EWGS Meetings)
1:00 pm
Shadle Park Library in Person and on ZOOM
Our Dec. speakers will be Dr. Larry Cebula and Tim Harrington

The Washington State Archives is in the process of digitizing and putting online the Territorial Court Case files. These records, dating from 1853 to 1889, is a treasure trove of historical documentation of life in the Washington Territory during its frontier period. Horse thieves and prostitutes, poisoners and pests encountered the legal system of the day. The case files are both a Who’s Who of territorial Washington and a window into the lives of individuals who left no other trace in the historical record. Dr. Larry Cebula and Tim Harrington, will describe the status of the digitization effort and highlight some of the more interesting cases.

Start Time Note: Meeting actually starts at 1:00 pm but all, including Zoom, is open at 12:30 PM. The meeting usually ends around 3:00 pm.