Larry Ball Named One of WSGS’s Outstanding Volunteers in 2024

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 600 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2024 award recipients and learn why they received the a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing Larry Ball of Yakima, Washington who was selected by the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society as its recipient of a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Larry joined YVGS five years ago and is an invaluable member performing many maintenance tasks. With his electrical skills, he does electrical repairs at the YVGS library. He helps the outside appearance of the library by disposing of the yard waste (brush, tree limbs, grass clippings). He assisted in painting the parking stall strips in the parking lot. Larry also stepped up using a scissor-lift to clean all the ceiling lights of insects and dust in the library.

Larry helps with the transportation of yard sale items from two local churches back to the YVGS lot in preparation for two yard sales held each year, selling items and with cleanup after each sale. He helps with delivery of YVGS large sale items to customers unable to haul by themselves.

When the maintenance committee needs help, Larry is right there willing to assist. Recently, he assisted in making bookshelves in the library’s extended book storage room.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Please type “Volunteer Award” in the subject line.

Brenda Goddard Arambul Named One of WSGS’s Outstanding Volunteers in 2024

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 600 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2024 award recipients and learn why they received a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing Brenda Goddard Arambul of Yakima, Washington who was selected by the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society as its recipient of a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Brenda joined the YVGS six years ago. She is a dependable, hard worker, assisting with tables of Christmas items at the two yearly yard sales.

During the Christmas season, Brenda has assisted in the Christmas tree decoration for “Holiday Lights,” displays of nonprofit groups from the Yakima area held in the Yakima Valley Museum. Each Christmas display is judged by the public by inserting a ticket in each participant’s private box.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Please type “Volunteer Award” in the subject line.

Arizona Genealogy Day Conference — Free & Virtual

You are invited to attend the fifth annual Arizona Genealogy Day conference on Saturday, 29 March 2025. Registration is now open ( The free, virtual conference is sponsored by Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board and the Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records.

Arizona-based as well as national speakers are presenting, and the subjects cover Story Telling/Sharing to DNA to Artificial Intelligence. We think there is something for everyone! And the topics are NOT necessarily Arizona based subjects, so anyone can learn something. If you cannot attend on the day of the conference, go ahead and register because the conference will be on the Arizona State Library’s YouTube channel for a limited time afterward.

If you have any questions, please contact myself or Kori Tueller from the Arizona State Library:

Set of 1972 Encyclopedia Judaica Available

The Everett Public Library is looking to find a new home for its set of 1972 Encyclopedia Judaica. It’s in excellent condition, and only one item is no longer in its decorative original binding. They have had no luck via the normal channels they use to move along items no longer in use, so they are reaching out to any local history-adjacent groups that might be interested. The library also has other materials related to the history of Washington State/the Pacific Northwest that are available to new homes if anyone would like to look at that list or be included in future offers. Local pick-up is preferred for these items, but in the case of the encyclopedia, the staff member originally in charge of finding a home for it said they would be willing to drive a bit to either deliver, or meet someone halfway. If shipping is preferred, they would need the requester to cover that cost they do not have a budget for that.

Don’t Forget to Vote for WSGS Officers

WSGS members are encouraged to cast their ballot for Vice President and Treasurer by 11:59 p.m., 15 Dec 2024. An email with a Google Forms link was sent on 08 Dec. to your email of record. If you did not receive the email, please email

Even though LeAnne Koliha and Frank McLean are running unopposed (Vice President and Treasurer respectively), we view your vote as a vote of support for WSGS. There is also an opportunity in the ballot to make suggestions or ideas to support the society. We are reading every comment.

If you want to know more about LeAnne or Frank, read this blog post.

WSGS Vice President and Treasurer Nominee Statements

LeAnne Koliha of Marysville has been nominated to serve as WSGS Vice President for the 2025-2026 term. Additionally, Frank McLean of Yakima has been nominated for another term as Treasurer. The term of offices is 01 Jan 2025 through 31 Dec 2026.

Online voting for the slate will begin 08 Dec 2024 and run through 15 Dec. All WSGS members will receive an email with a Google link to their anonymous ballot. Members are asked to vote for each position. Write-in nominations are allowed. There is also space for suggestions and comments.

LeAnne’s candidate statement:

LeAnne Kohila

I am excited to be nominated as Vice President of the Washington Society Genealogical Society. I look forward to this opportunity to serve as WSGS continues to find ways to support the local societies and individual genealogists.

I was born in Yakima, Washington, and have spent most of my life on оne side of the mountains or the other. After high school I spent a year as an exchange student living in The Netherlands. I graduated from Central Washington University with a major in special education.

After teaching for nine years, I went back to school myself. I received my law degree from Lewis and Clark Law School in 1985. I retired from the law in 1996. Being retired was boring so I went back into education until 2009.

My husband and I lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana from 2010 until his health required him to take medical retirement and we returned to the Northwest.

I have been interested in genealogy for years. I have had the good fortune to be able to research my father’s family by visiting the areas of France and Germany where his parents were born. I am member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Lady Stirling Chapter in Bothell, and Daughters of the American Colonists, Pilchuck Chapter in Lynnwood, where I am the chapter registrar. I am just finishing a term as vice president of the library for the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society.

Frank’s candidate statement:

I have been a member of WSGS since 1988 and have served in nearly every office, including President and Treasurer. I am currently WSGS Treasurer, as well as chair of the Pioneer Certificate Program and chief reviewer of the Pioneer Pursuit effort. I am also the Buildings and Grounds supervisor at the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society.

Frank McLean

I have a vested interest in seeing the society become a more useful organization to local societies and individual genealogists. Over the years, I have seen a lot of changes in WSGS, but am hoping for more. I am particularly interested in making WSGS an organization that provides value to societies. WSGS is interested in what services and opportunities it can provide. I also hope we can generate interest in expanding individual participation, maybe serving on the board or helping some other way. I would appreciate your support in moving WSGS in a positive direction.

Pioneer Pursuit To Continue

Sometimes we need a deadline and target to get us going. That’s why we did a Pioneer Pursuit Push to have 5,000 people documented in our Index by November 11 — the 135th anniversary of Washington Territory becoming the 42nd state.

Alas, we didn’t make our target. We have 4,044 names listed in the Index, 956 short of our target. BUT, that doesn’t mean we’re giving up. You can still submit genealogies for any man, woman or child who lived in Washington Territory on or before November 11, 1889. You don’t have to be related to a pioneer — find a name and do what we do best: research it!

We’ve made it easy for you. There are examples, forms, hints and FAQs on the WSGS website. There’s also a video explaining the process and answering questions from the Pioneer Pursuit Roundtable in April 2023. If you have other questions, please email and put “Pioneer Pursuit” in the subject line.

Gift Idea: Pioneer Certificate

If your ancestor lived in the Washington Territory before it became the nation’s 42nd state on November 11, 1889, you may be eligible for a Washington Pioneer certificate. Or if your ancestors arrived a little later — before December 31, 1900 — you can get a First Citizen certificate. What a great gift for yourself and your family members!

We began the Washington State Centennial Pioneer Certificate Program in 1984 in anticipation of the state’s centennial admission to the union in 1889. The initial certificates were issued to applicants who could prove their ancestors were in Washington Territory on or before November 11, 1889. Those descendants’ names, almost 18,000, were printed in a two-volume set of books entitled “Washington Pioneers” in 1992. A third volume, published in 1993, included Pioneers and First Citizens (those in the state on or before December 31, 1900). The three original volumes are out of print, but an index is available here. WSGS members have access to family lineages in the Members’ Only section of the website.


Pioneer and First Citizen Certificates are still being issued, although they are published only on the WSGS website at this time. If you can prove your ancestor was in Washington prior to November 11, 1889, you may be eligible to purchase a Pioneer Certificate. If your ancestor was in Washington on or before December 31, 1900, you may be eligible for a First Citizen Certificate. More information, including resources to prove residency, is available in the Pioneer and First Citizen Program brochure. An application and instructions are available here.

We’ve Reached 80% of our Pioneer Goal

We’re getting closer to our goal of 5,000 Washington State pioneers listed in our Pioneer Pursuit Index by November 11, 2024. Our reviewers just approved our 4,005th pioneer, so we need 995 more to meet our ambitious, but doable, target.

If you’re wondering whether you can participate, YES, YOU CAN! A few things to consider:

  • You don’t have to be related to a pioneer. Just pick someone in your county or neighborhood and start researching. Here’s a great list of places to start.
  • You don’t have to be a member of WSGS to participate.
  • We’ve made it easy to submit Pioneer Pursuit genealogies. There are examples, forms and an FAQ under the Pioneer Pursuit tab of the WSGS website.

Help us identify every man, woman and child who lived in Washington Territory on or before November 11, 1889 when we became the 42nd state. If you have questions, please email us at

Nominations Sought for Vice President & Treasurer

Are you interested in being part of the WSGS Board of Directors? The positions of vice president and treasurer are up for election and we are seeking nominations. The nomination period will close on 15 Nov 2024.

The vice president position provides support to the president. In the case that the president is unable to preside over a meeting or event, the vice president would be required to step in and take his/her place. The vice president also acts as a liaison between the societies and the WSGS president and board, helping to facilitate communications between the board and the societies.

The treasurer manages WSGS financial matters under the direction of the president, executive committee and board of directors.

The two-year terms are from 01 Jan 2025 through 31 Dec 2026. More information on the positions’ duties and responsibilities is available here.

Being a member of the WSGS Board is an excellent opportunity to involve yourself in a statewide organization designed to support local societies and individuals interested in the educational and historical value of genealogical research. And besides that — it’s fun and interesting!

If you’re interested in this opportunity or have questions, please contact WSGS President Kathy Sizer.