Puget Sound Genealogical Society Events for January 2025

Puget Sound Genealogical Society events for January

Jan 22:  Getting to Know PSGS- A Social Event. 1pm-3pm.  In person only.  Come learn more about our Society.  Chat with others about Genealogy.  Discover our upcoming classes and programs for 2025. Refreshments will be served. Open to the public.  (No cost)

Jan 25:  PSGS Class-Analysis Process and Analysis Tools with Janet Camarata.  10:30am.  Janet will be continuing her series using a variety of lesser- known sources. This is a hybrid event. Join us in person at the Sylvan Way Library (1301 Sylvan Way, Bremerton) or on Zoom. The Zoom link will be posted on our website and Facebook page on Jan 24.

Puget Sound Genealogical Society Classes

Nov 23 (Sat) Class:  Discovering Your Ancestors with Janet Camarata.  This class will be on Genealogical Proof Standard and Military Records.

Dec 7  (Sat) Class:   Discovering Your Ancestors with Janet Camarata.  This class will be on Immigration and Naturalization Records.  Also, participants can share their research.

Classes are 10:30am – 12:30pm. 

Nov Program, Nov 20 (Wed):  What Is Forensic Genealogy Really? With Janice Sellers.  1pm-2pm. 

 These will all be hybrid.  In person at the Sylvan Way Library, 1301 Sylvan Way, Bremerton, WA and on Zoom.  Zoom link will be posted on our Facebook page and our website the day before each class and program.

Puget Sound Genealogical Society Timelines & Chronologies & Land Records

PSGS Program:

Oct 23 (Wed), 1pm.  “Your Ancestor’s Occupation – Exploring the 1821 Irish Census” with Steven Morrison.  A short business meeting will follow the program.  This will be hybrid with in person at the Sylvan Way Library and on Zoom.

PSGS Class:

Oct 26 (Sat), 10:30am.  “Timelines & Chronologies and Land Records” with Janet Camarata

This class will be hybrid.  You can join us in person at the Sylvan Way Library in Bremerton or on Zoom.

*Zoom link posted the day before on our website and Facebook page.  If you are a PSGS member, the link will be emailed to you 2 days prior.

Puget Sound Genealogical Society Divorce in the United States

The PSGS Program is Wed, Sep 25th….Hybrid style.  In person at the Sylvan Way Library and on Zoom.  Social time and Zoom doors open at 12:30pm.  The Program is from 1pm-2pm.. 

Our speaker will be Christine Cohen.  She will be presenting her topic on “Alienation of Affection: Divorce in the United States”.

Divorce is not just a 20th Century phenomenon. At first, granted by the State Legislature and then by the Courts, these are public records. The case files can include marriage date and place, names and ages of children, current and former residences, and affidavits by the spouses about their marriage and reason for divorce. Clues are in the Census, City Directories, Military Pensions, County Histories, County Courthouses & especially in Newspapers. This could be the reason for a “lost spouse”.

The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84756295862

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA. us02web.zoom.us

Puget Sound Genealogical Society Discovering Your Ancestors

Saturday, June 1, 2024  10:30am – 12:30pm  ZOOM ONLY

Zoom doors open at 10:15am .

Genealogy Series I: Discovering Your Ancestors

By Janet O’Conor Camarata

Genealogy is an enriching and rewarding way to discover our own families through their written records, photographs and artifacts. Tracing our ancestral roots expands our understanding of history and how they lived in earlier generations. The individual pieces of the family jigsaw puzzle consists of vital records, censuses, land records, immigration, naturalization, military records, church histories, taxes, court and courthouse records, DNA and much more.  The tools and techniques used by genealogists today are extensive and include the Internet, specific genealogy programs and websites, i.e. Ancestry and FamilySearch. Learn in a computer environment the resources available online and off-line to investigate the various jigsaw puzzle pieces that document your ancestors’ lives.

Class #1 (of 6) Basic Forms – Accurate Data Formats – Vital Records: Death, Marriage and Birth

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Puget Sound Genealogical Society You Can Do the DNA

DNA MONTH with Diahan Southard

Series: You Can DO the DNA

(From RootsTech 2024)

Monday, May 13, 2024

Ancestry SIG

Hybrid – 10:30am-12pm

#2 Get Your Best Ethnicity Estimate

Everyone wants to love their ethnicity estimates.  But many people don’t have faith or confidence that their estimates are any good.  Which DNA test gives the best ethnicity results?  How can you combine your results from different testing companies into one overarching ethnicity estimate?  Come see examples of ethnicity from around the world and from all the testing companies.  Learn how to turn your ethnicity estimates into results you can be more confident in…results that are more meaningful and accurate…results you might even, eventually love.

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Puget Sound Genealogical Society DNA Month

DNA MONTH with Diahan Southard

Series: You Can DO the DNA

(From RootsTech 2024)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

PSGS Class

ZOOM ONLY – 10:30am-12pm

#1 Get Started (or Restarted)

Whether you haven’t taken a DNA test or you did but got discouraged and abandoned the effort, it’s time to take another look.  In 2024, DNA can answer family history questions so much more powerfully than it could even five years ago.  More people have tested, and more tools and strategies have been developed to help you find answers.  More accurate and precise ethnicity results point more meaningfully to ancestral places and populations.  Come learn what’s possible and how to set a good DNA goal (like identifying an unknown ancestor, finding or verifying birth roots, connecting with distant relatives or figuring out where an ancestor was from).  Learn about picking the right test(s) for your goal and how to turn test results into meaningful family history answers.  The best news is that you don’t have to be a scientist to make DNA discoveries.  You can do the DNA – yes, ever YOU!

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Puget Sound Genealogical Society Mapping An Ancestor

Puget Sound Genealogical Society kicks off Map Month with a class on Saturday, April 6 at 10:30am.  This will be a hybrid class.

 Mapping An Ancestor with Janet Camarata.  Geography is a discipline closely related to genealogy and an untapped resource for learning more about our ancestors. Using geography and maps in research provides visual clues to help answer questions about where, how far, and what is nearby. Learn about the George E. Curry family of Ohio and Kansas and how maps focused the research, located property, identified lost place names, solved a family mystery and identified jurisdictions to write for records