Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Multiple Lies and an Alias: Solving the Mystery

Multiple Lies and an Alias:
Solving the Mystery of One Italian Immigrant
A search for any information on the biological father of an 83-year-old Italian man yields unexpected twists and turns. Leveraging a wide variety of records sets – some more obscure than others – this case study of an Italian immigrant in New York in the 1920s reveals many conflicts, scandal, and lies. It’s a case study about how documentary records, DNA, and oral tradition solved the mystery of this elusive man.
                          ZOOM Meeting When:           18-Jan-2025, Saturday
Time:             1:30 PM (PDT) Presenter:     Kerri Tannenbaum
Kerri Tannenbaum Kerri Tannenbaum is a professional genealogist and researcher who works with people looking to learn more about their family history. She specializes in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Irish research. Kerri is a graduate of Boston University’s Certificate Program in Genealogical Research and the ProGen Peer Study Groups. She serves as contributing editor of the Irish Family History Forum newsletter, a recipient of many awards from the National Genealogical Society. She also serves as a guest lecturer and research consultant for several genealogy societies. Kerri founded her company Family Dot Connector LLC in 2018 and has served hundreds of clients since then. She lives on Long Island in New York with her husband and two daughters.
If you aren’t an active member, you must request meeting access. Below is the link to request a meeting invitation. Please send me an invitation link
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogical Society
– Italian Interest Group P.O. Box 374
Bellevue, WA 98009-0374

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Alien Immigration Files

A (Alien) & Immigration Files
A (Alien)-Files are a valuable resource for genealogical research as they provide detailed records of an individual’s immigration history, naturalization process, and any law enforcement actions involving the alien.

Genealogy immigration files are historical records that document the immigration and naturalization processes of individuals who came to the United States.
                          ZOOM Meeting When:           16-Nov-2024, Saturday
Time:            1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (PDT) Presenter:   Givonna & Elaine
If you aren’t an active member, please request a Zoom meeting invitation.
Meeting Request
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogical Society
– Italian Interest Group
P.O. Box 374
Bellevue, WA 98009-0374

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Introduction to AI

19-Oct-2024 Meeting

Introduction to AI Genealogy
Explore the latest artificial intelligence tools and technologies that can assist with your family history research.
                          ZOOM Meeting When:        19-Oct-2024, Saturday
Time:            1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (PDT)Presenter:   Givonna
If you aren’t an active member, please request a Zoom meeting invitation.
NOTE: The hyperlink has been corrected 🙂
Meeting Request
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogical Society
– Italian Interest Group
P.O. Box 374
Bellevue, WA 98009-0374

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Maps for Genealogy

21-Sep-2024 Meeting
Welcome to Italian Genealogy Let’s explore the world of Italian genealogy together, one person at a time.
Maps can be incredibly valuable tools for genealogy research. They allow us to visualize our ancestors’ world, understand historical boundaries, and discover new records. Remember, maps not only provide context but also connect you to the places your ancestors called home. Happy mapping!
                          ZOOM Meeting Topic:    
Using Maps for Genealogy
When:        21-Sep-2024, Saturday
Time:         1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (PDT)
If you aren’t an active member, please request a Zoom meeting invitation.
Meeting Request
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogical Society
– Italian Interest Group P.O. Box 374
Bellevue, WA 98009-0374

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Using Maps for Genealogy

21-Sep-2024 Meeting
Welcome to Italian Genealogy Let’s explore the world of Italian genealogy together, one person at a time.
Maps can be incredibly valuable tools for genealogy research. They allow us to visualize our ancestors’ world, understand historical boundaries, and discover new records. Remember, maps not only provide context but also connect you to the places your ancestors called home. Happy mapping!
                          ZOOM Meeting Topic:     Using Maps for Genealogy
When:        21-Sep-2024, Saturday
Time:         1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (PDT)
If you aren’t an active member, please request a Zoom meeting invitation.
Meeting Request
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogical Society
– Italian Interest Group P.O. Box 374
Bellevue, WA 98009-0374

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Getting the Most Out of Find A Grave

Saturday, August 10
Getting the Most Out of Find A Grave (Classes)

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Zoom Meeting

ALL TIMES ARE MOUNTAIN TIME. THIS IS A ZOOM MEETING. Please set up your computer with the Zoom client app prior to the meeting, so that you are not delayed getting into the meeting. Set up is simple but is specific to the search engine you use – follow directions carefully. The ZOOM invite information and class materials will be sent to registered participants 1-2 days prior to the meeting.

Elaine Fraser
Recommended Minimum Experience Level:
Class Size:
Minimum 8
None. Open to the public.
: Required; Send your request to join this class to Please include how you heard about the class. Registration closes August 8th at 5:00 pm, Mountain Time.

Find-A-Grave can be an invaluable tool for providing you with information and clues on your ancestors and their extended family. Think you already know Find-A-Grave? Perhaps not as well as you might believe. This class will cover all you need to know about Find-A-Grave from basic to advanced functions as well as how you can use Find-A-Grave to help others in their research.
Covered in the class will be:
Getting Started: Community rules, FAQ, support, other links, tutorials, how it works Basics: Searching memorials, creating an account, editing and linking memorials, messaging vs email Intermediate: Creating memorials, adding photos, requesting photos Advanced: Transferring memorials, merging memorials, cenotaphs, formatting entries, saving to Ancestry or FamilySearch Other: Leaving flowers, sponsoring a memorial, setting up favorite and virtual cemeteries, paying it forward
Eastside Genealogy Group – Italian Interest Group PO Box 374
Bellevue, Washington 98009-0374.

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society First American Saint

18-May-2024 Meeting
Welcome to Italian Genealogy Let’s explore the world of Italian genealogy together, one person at a time.
                          ZOOM Meeting Topic:        St. Cabrini:
                          First Italian-American Saint and her Influence
 on the world including Seattle
When:              18-May-2024, Saturday
Time:               1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (PST)
(Italea Rediscover your Italian origins – Official travel promotion program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was the Italian-born founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the first United States citizen to be canonized. She was born on July 15, 1850, in Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, Lombardy, Italy, and died on December 22, 1917, in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. She was canonized on July 7, 1946, and her feast day is November 13. Cabrini was sent to the United States by Pope Leo XIII and spent the rest of her life working with Italian immigrants, particularly in New York City and Chicago.
Click here to request Zoom Invitation
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogy Group – Italian Interest Group 2410 East Helen Street, Seattle WA, United States of America

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society AI

20-Apr-2024 Meeting
Welcome to Italian Genealogy Let’s explore the world of Italian genealogy together, one person at a time.
                          ZOOM Meeting Topic: – Full Text Search
When:        20-Apr-2024, Saturday
Time:         1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (PST)
FamilySearch has introduced a new full-text search feature for historical records. This powerful tool leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to help you uncover valuable information in historical documents. This innovative search capability allows you to explore historical records more comprehensively, making your genealogical research even more exciting! AI Searches every word of text including unindexed documents.
If you aren’t an active member, please request a Zoom meeting request. Request Here
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogy Group – Italian Interest Group 2410 East Helen Street, Seattle WA, United States of America

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society

Post 16-Mar-2024 Meeting Dinner
Welcome to Italian Genealogy Let’s explore the world of Italian genealogy together, one person at a time.

34th Anniversary Of The Italian Interest Group! Celebrate the Italian Interest Group’s 34th anniversary!
No-host dinner
Saturday, 3/16/24 at 5:00 pm (May vary based on restaurant availability)
Location: TBD

We normally celebrate the IIG anniversary with a group dinner at Ristorante Paradiso in Kirkland. We need a head count to make a reservation.
Please RSVP to:
Include:Your nameYour email addressNumber of people wishing to attend  Mille Grazie, Stephen
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogy Group – Italian Interest Group
2410 East Helen Street,
Seattle WA, United States of America

Italian Interest Group of the Eastside Genealogical Society Meeting Dinner

Post 16-Mar-2024 Meeting Dinner
Welcome to Italian Genealogy Let’s explore the world of Italian genealogy together, one person at a time.

34th Anniversary Of The Italian Interest Group! Celebrate the Italian Interest Group’s 34th anniversary!
No-host dinner
Saturday, 3/16/24 at 5:00 pm (May vary based on restaurant availability)
Location: TBD

We normally celebrate the IIG anniversary with a group dinner at Ristorante Paradiso in Kirkland. We need a head count to make a reservation.
Please RSVP to:
Include:Your nameYour email addressNumber of people wishing to attend  Mille Grazie, Stephen
Days Hours Minutes Seconds
Eastside Genealogy Group – Italian Interest Group 2410 East Helen Street, SeattleWA, United States of America