Heritage Quest Research Library 7 Habits of Highly Effective Genealogists by Dear Myrtle

7 Habits of Highly Effective Genealogists In today’s world, where AI and DNA testing dominate the conversation, genealogists face unique challenges.  Join us as we explore 7+ essential habits to enhance your research process.  Discover how to avoid common pitfalls that can obscure our understanding of our ancestors’ true life experiences and help us differentiate between multiple individuals with the same name.  DearMYRTLE is the nom-de-plume of Pat Richley-Erickson, author and award-winning genealogy blog, The Everything Online Genealogy (1st Edition) and the Joy of Genealogy. DearMYRTLE hosts a weekly webinar, Mondays with Myrt where the focus is beginning genealogy topics. 
Myrt and her Cousin Russ pioneered the use of the virtual meeting format in the genealogy vertical and were instrumental in assisting genealogical institutes and societies transition to vertical and hybrid meetings.
She has been online since 1985 in membership development with Q-Links's Your Family Tree and later with the leadership team of AOL’s Golden Gate Genealogy Forum, Pat is a retired corporate & post-secondary computer software instructor.  She and her husband live on Guemes Island, Washington.  When: Thursday, January 16, 2025
            11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Where: ZOOM & limited in-person

Cost: $20 members
          $25 non-members Sign-up and Payment:
Go to HQRL Store at hqrl.com
sign in as a member to receive discount. 
In-Person(8 only)
Call: 253-863-1806
or come into the library at
2102 E Main, Ste.105, Puyallup, WA 98372 Coming Soon
Mapping Your Migrating Ancestors 
February 6, 2025
I found my family but why did they move so much or did they really?
What resources can I use to see where they went?
Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is a Genealogy & Local history librarian at the Plainfield Public Library in Plainfield, Illinois. 
Be sure to mark your calendars for the next genealogy class.
Copyright © 2025 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library New Year Presentations

Welcome in the New Year with a presentation about German Genealogy
Over 40 million Americans have German ancestors, comprising 10 to 15% of the population and forming the largest single ethnic group in the U.S. When researching your German American family history, you will inevitably reach the point where your ancestors crossed the Atlantic. Many people stop when they get to this stage, unsure how to continue researching in Europe.  However, this is not where your journey has to end. We will show you how to continue tracing your family’s history using German sources, enabling you to track your lineage one or two centuries further back. Our presentation is designed as a starting point for researching your German ancestors and provides an overview of German genealogy.  We begin with a brief history of German immigration to the US, covering routes, numbers and time frames.  Following that, I will guide you through the various sources available in Germany, both primary and secondary, demonstrating how to access and utilize them effectively. This includes passenger lists, censuses, church records, administrative documents, personal registers, and more. One of the most challenging aspects of German American genealogy is pinpointing the exact hometown in Germany from which your ancestor emigrated.  We will share strategies to help you overcome this hurdle, even when American records lack this crucial information. Additionally, I am happy to answer any questions you may have after the presentation. Till Fehmer  Co-founder Fehmer Genealogy (2024)
Research Assistant for Professor Andrew Moravcsik at Princeton University (2021-2022)
MSc “European and International Public Policy” at the London School of Economics (LSE) (2020-2021)
Trainee at the European Commission (2022- 2023)  When: Thursday January 2, 2025

Time:   11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Where: ZOOM & limited in-person (8)

Cost:   $20 members,
            $25 non-members,  Sign-up and Payment:
Go to HQRL Store at hqrl.com (sign in as a member to get the discount)
In-Person (8 only):
Call: 253-863-1806 or
Come into the library at
2102 E Main Ave. Ste 105
Puyallup, WA 98372 HAVE YOU HEARD?

Dear MYRTLE will be joining us on January 16, 2025, to guide us through the “7 – Habits of Highly Effective Genealogists.”
Mark your calendars and get your research ready to tackle the common pitfalls every genealogist encounters. 

More coming soon!
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library New Year German Genealogy Presentation

Welcome in the New Year with a presentation about German Genealogy Over 40 million Americans have German ancestors, comprising 10 to 15% of the population and forming the largest single ethnic group in the U.S. When researching your German American family history, you will inevitably reach the point where your ancestors crossed the Atlantic. Many people stop when they get to this stage, unsure how to continue researching in Europe.  However, this is not where your journey has to end. We will show you how to continue tracing your family’s history using German sources, enabling you to track your lineage one or two centuries further back. Our presentation is designed as a starting point for researching your German ancestors and provides an overview of German genealogy.  We begin with a brief history of German immigration to the US, covering routes, numbers and time frames.  Following that, I will guide you through the various sources available in Germany, both primary and secondary, demonstrating how to access and utilize them effectively. This includes passenger lists, censuses, church records, administrative documents, personal registers, and more. One of the most challenging aspects of German American genealogy is pinpointing the exact hometown in Germany from which your ancestor emigrated.  We will share strategies to help you overcome this hurdle, even when American records lack this crucial information. Additionally, I am happy to answer any questions you may have after the presentation. Till Fehmer  Co-founder Fehmer Genealogy (2024)
Research Assistant for Professor Andrew Moravcsik at Princeton University (2021-2022)
MSc “European and International Public Policy” at the London School of Economics (LSE) (2020-2021)
Trainee at the European Commission (2022- 2023)  When: Thursday January 2, 2025

Time:   11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Where: ZOOM & limited in-person (8)

Cost:   $20 members,
            $25 non-members,  Sign-up and Payment:
Go to HQRL Store at hqrl.com (sign in as a member to get the discount)
In-Person (8 only):
Call: 253-863-1806 or
Come into the library at
2102 E Main Ave. Ste 105
Puyallup, WA 98372
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library Small Business Saturday Cider Open House

Small Business Saturday
Cider Open House
We’ve missed seeing your curious faces. 
Join us to savor seasonal delights. 
Celebrate successes and pose your questions. 
Connect with other family history enthusiasts. 
Refreshments will be served.

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday, November 30, 2024

Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library November Preview

Recreating the Great War: Finding Military Service Information for your WWI Veteran Many federal WWI personnel records were destroyed during a National Archives fire in the 1970s. Tina offers ways to locate copies of peripheral federal military records and provides solutions for recreating some of the lost history in these “fire” records by using local government documents, newspapers, service organization memberships and base records.  Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is a Genealogy & Local History Librarian at the Plainfield Library in Plainfield, IL. She holds a Master of Library and Information Science degree with a specialization in Archives/Preservation from Dominican University. Tina has won multiple research and digitization grants to preserve and digitize historic documents and photographs. 
If you liked our classes last year on “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” & “Internet Archives”, you’ll like this one too! When: Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024
Where: ZOOM & in-person
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-members Sign-up & Payment ZOOM: Go to hqrl.com. Click on the HQRL Store and complete the registration form. Be sure to log-in as a member to receive your discount.
In-Person (8 only) Call HQRL at 253-863-1806 or come into the library at 2102 East Main, Suite 105, Puyallup, WA 98372
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library November Preview

Recreating the Great War: Finding Military Service Information for your WWI Veteran Many federal WWI personnel records were destroyed during a National Archives fire in the 1970s. Tina offers ways to locate copies of peripheral federal military records and provides solutions for recreating some of the lost history in these “fire” records by using local government documents, newspapers, service organization memberships and base records.  Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is a Genealogy & Local History Librarian at the Plainfield Library in Plainfield, IL. She holds a Master of Library and Information Science degree with a specialization in Archives/Preservation from Dominican University. Tina has won multiple research and digitization grants to preserve and digitize historic documents and photographs. 
If you liked our classes last year on “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” & “Internet Archives”, you’ll like this one too! When: Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024
Where: ZOOM & in-person
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-members Sign-up & Payment ZOOM: Go to hqrl.com. Click on the HQRL Store and complete the registration form. Be sure to log-in as a member to receive your discount.
In-Person (8 only) Call HQRL at 253-863-1806 or come into the library at 2102 East Main, Suite 105, Puyallup, WA 98372
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library Family History Month

Are you new to Genealogy or Family History? Have you been doing it a while and just need some help on where to turn to next?   Come into the library during the month of October and ask a librarian for their help and guidance. Librarians are here to put fresh eyes on your ancestors and direct you to new possibilities for research.   Let our Volunteer Librarians help you research your family! Our Volunteer Librarians have hundreds of years of combined experience in genealogy and family history and are looking forward to helping you find hidden facts about YOUR ancestors.   If we can’t help you find at least one new fact about your family, you will be able to pick a prize from our Fall/Halloween gift basket. Either way, it’s a win-win situation for you and your ancestors. We are OPEN, Monday thru Saturday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

2102 East Main, Suite 105
Puyallup, WA 98372

Heritage Quest Research Library Eastern European Genealogy for Beginners

School is in session! It’s time for us to get back into the swing of learning and genealogy.  There’s always something new to explore or investigate.
We have had a busy summer at the library, and we’re now focused on getting back on track.  If you’re a regular to our online offerings you will already know about the upcoming topics for last few months of the year. 
September is a great time to start the research into your Eastern European ancestors. From there we move to Forensic DNA in October, and we will close out the year by focusing on WWII. 
We hope you will join us, either online or in our limited space classroom. Eastern European Genealogy for Beginners
This presentation will focus on providing the beginner the basic background information to start investigating their ancestors across Eastern Europe.  It will focus on early modern history of Eastern Europe, major record sets and repositories available by country, and US and European research strategies to maximize success.  Alexander Tolksdorf is a genealogist and speaker, specializing in German, Dutch, and Eastern European research.  He began his personal journey in high school, inspired by a trip to Ellis Island and through a correspondence with his great uncle in Germany, who was also an active family historian. His ancestors can be found in Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland and Russia. Alex believes that standard records only tell part of the story, with the many additional forms of documentation providing color and texture to a family history.  When: Thursday, September19, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: ZOOM and limited In-Person (8)
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-members Sign-up and Payment: ZOOM
Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store (sign in as a member to get the discount)
In-Person (8 only)
Call: 253-863-1806 or come into the library at 2102 E Main, Suite 105, 
Puyallup, WA 98372

Heritage Quest Research Library Friendly Relations

Friendly Relations 
Finding American Quakers and their Online Records   In 1750 the Quaker religion was the third largest in the colonies. So, if you have an English sounding surname, a dead-end pointing to the British Isles or Ireland, and if your kin could have arrived before the American Revolution … well you could be looking for a Friend (Quaker)! Learn about Quakers and their meticulous record keeping, now available online. Steven Waltz Morrison, MPA is the past president of the Puget Sound Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists and the Olympia Genealogical society.  He holds an undergraduate degree from WWU and a master’s degree in public administration from The Evergreen State College where he taught for seven years. Steven is an ardent supporter and long-time member of HQRL.  When: 
August 15, 2024
ZOOM and limited in-person
Members $20
Non-members $25 Sign-up & Payment:
Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store (Sign in as a member to get the discount)
In-Person (8 only)
Call HQRL at 253-863-1806 or come into the library at 2102 E Main, Suite 105, Puyallup, WA 98372 A link will be sent to your email 1-2 days before the class.
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA 98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library Using FamilySearch Wiki

Joleen Aitchison has been involved in genealogical endeavors since she was a child, and continues the search. She is a member of APG, the Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society, and the consulting genealogist for Traditions of the Ancestors (TOTA). Joleen has presented at various events throughout the US and is a returning speaker for us at HQRL. 

Using FamilySearch Wiki The FamilySearch Wiki is a marvelous resource for genealogists. It contains links to databases and online resources, as well as research training guidance.  There you will also find location specific pages, and more!  We will take an in-depth look at many of the features of the Wiki.  We’ll follow a path from one page to another, and into the World Wide Web to discover how this vast site can make a difference in our research.  Thursday, August 1, 2024

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

ZOOM & limited in-person

$20 members

$25 non-members

  Sign-up & Payment:
Go to hqrl.com and click on HQRL Store (Sign in as a member to receive the discount. 
In-Person (8 only)
Please call the library directly at 253-863-1806 to save a spot or come into the library at 2102 E. Main, Suite 105, Puyallup, WA 98372
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205