*** Museums in Washington State
*** Needing a High School or College Yearbook?
*** The Rewards of Apathy
As an education project for the WSGS, I would like to assemble a list of museums in Washington state. I realize this could be a 500-page compilation but I think it would be quite interesting and possibly useful to vacationers and travelers. Would you help me, please? I can ask Grandma Google and get the big museums and/or historical societies but you know of those smaller ones in your area. Care to make a list and send it to me? Donna243@gmail.com I would appreciate your help. (This pix is of our MAC museum here in Spokane.)
I was working on a project last year to help better document the sailors who went down with the U.S.S. Arizona on December 7, 1941, in Pearl Harbor. Pictures of these young men were what was wanted. With Grandma Google’s help, I discovered E-Yearbook.com. For $20, I had one year’s full access to any yearbook I needed! You search by state and then name of school….. the list of school (divided into high school and college) would print out several pages long for there ARE that many available. When you click on the school of choice, you’ll see the years that yearbooks are available and, of course, some years are missing. Go look for yourself, your partner, your parents, even your teachers! It’s fun.
Apathy has a lot going for it. It is easy to catch and is painless. You can ignore it and nothing happens. The stronger it gets the less you feel you need to do anything about it.
It becomes most noticeable when it begins to spread over a large area. When it does, the individual usually feels it belongs to somebody else. Another appealing thing about apathy is the warm glow of nothingness it gives. The temptation is to leave it alone and it will go away. With this attitude is may stay for a long, long time.
The treatment for apathy starts with a good dose of involvement followed by long periods of action. It may be hard to get a confirmed apathetic to take the cure. And then there is no guarantee that it’s a permanent cure.
Action must be rewarded while apathy is to be condemned. Since it is easier to condemn than to praise, it stands to reason that apathy might be here to stay. It is needed by those who would rather condemn than act.
Apathy has a lot going for it, but action is more fun. It must be. Have you ever heard anybody say, “Let’s go where the apathy is?” Hardly!
What does this have to do with genealogy? With YOU? With the Washington State Genealogical Society? Answer: Apathy is a motivation killer. Nothing gets done by an apathic person. Please don’t let that be YOU! Get going…. perhaps a New Year’s resolution? Get working to clean up your office, your genealogy files and to finally talk to those relatives. Get working to share your time and talents with your local genealogical society AND with the Washington State Gen Society. Please don’t let apathy kill you or even stand in your way.