As a result of our January 2017 two-day Board meeting, some wonderful new ideas were proposed and will be implemented………… first one is Monday’s Mystery.
This will be a Washington history question and the first one with the correct answer will see their name in print (with a kudo) next week.
Since we want to keep you guessing, please use the “Leave a Comment” box below the post to tell us your answer. The answers won’t be posted (but we are getting them!) until we announce the correct answer and first correct responder next week.
Here is the Monday Mystery for today:
What did Seattle (1962) and Spokane (1974) share????
The World’s Fair
Hosted a World’s Fair on those years.
The World’s Fair…I attended both and it seems like eons ago.
they hosted the World,s Fair
World’s fairs held in the Pacific Northwest
international expositions in Spokane in 1974 and Seattle in 1962
World’s Fair or Expo.
Here’s a mystery for you: Where are Mt Terrible and Mt Horrible located?
held a worlds fair
A World’s Fai