Seattle Genealogical Society Tip of the Week

TIP OF THE WEEK –   Scottish Clans Archives

How far are you willing to travel to research your Scottish family history?  Is small town, southwestern Georgia out of the question?

In the south wing of the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library, Moultrie, GA,  is the Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library, named for its benefactor.   This library is renowned for its collection concerning Scottish genealogy. It is the archival home for more than 130 Scottish clan organizations! And adding more all the time. It is also home to many rare books including an original edition of Scottish Perrage, as well as The Highland Papers, and Gaelic Bibles.

Other collections at the library are microfilms of 45 local newspapers (dating back to 1856) published in SW Georgia’s 21 counties. Also the Emmett Lucas Collection about the southeast United States, the Civil War, and migrations west is housed there.

For more info check out their website  at :