Could you identify the oldest apple tree in Washington? It’s in Vancouver, near the waterfront and happily tended and protected by a fence. They say it was planted in 1826…..when I was there I could see sprouts coming up from the roots? Way cool to see that venerable apple tree.
On the topic of apples, fellow named Dave Benscotter has become a self-proclaimed “apple detective” in Eastern Washington, mainly in and around Steptoe Butte (north of Pullman). In his research he found that there were 17,000 named varieties of apples in the past in North America, but “only around 3000 still exist today.” He’s hoping to identify some of these long lost apple varieties from sleuthing around the old orchards planted around Steptoe Butte and in Whitman County. He’s working with the Whitman County Historical Society on the “Lost Apple Project” to search, find, rescue and identify “apple varieties that have become extinct.” Or thought to be so. Google that project for an interesting read.
Check out the pear tree in Mukilteo which was planted in the 1860’s and still bears fruit. It, too, has a fence around it and looks good for such an old fruit tree.
The Vancouver tree shown above is known as the Old Apple Tree. They even have a festival to celebrate it in early October.