Friday Serendipity

Patty Olsen is the Regional Representative for Region 4, Washington State Genealogical Society. She does a bang-up job and shares wonderful little snips from time to time. Here is a poem she spotted recently and shared:

Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time

That I might find the roots that made this family tree of mine.

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads on which my fathers trod

And led them through so many lands to find our present sod.

Lord, help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript

That’s safely hidden now away in some forgotten crypt;

Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts my soul when I can’t find

The missing link between some name that ends the same as mine.

— Curtis Woods


One comment on “Friday Serendipity

  1. Patty Olsen says:

    There’s a wonderful “Getting to know members of Bethel Church” in Chehalis because of great congregation growth. They have started classes to meet each other ranging from Violin Lessons to Genealogy Class 1-3 on Monday afternoons! Lewis County GS members David & Deanna Hansens are chairing this group which is open to the public. Mary Kathryn Kozy recently gave a 2 hr presentation on DNA to over 40 people and I found this wonderful posting in the Ladies Room!

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