Announcement from the Board of Directors
The Board of WSGS met in Yakima on May 10th & 11th to consider our future. Many changes have come about in the past few years to the science and practice of genealogy. We recognized that WSGS was no longer fulfilling some of our missions developed many years ago. Our current model of business was no longer working.
The Board was challenged with the decision of whether to close our doors or to reinvent WSGS to meet the challenges of staying relevant. The Board made a unanimous decision to take WSGS in a new direction. The renewed WSGS will be rolling out our vision later this year. Hint: preservation! So stay tuned!
Virginia Majewski, President
I hope with the reinvention you will still keep the blurbs about the meetings around the state. I don’t live up there, but sometimes can visit, or learn something new. I do appreciate the Seattle Society Tip of the Week as I write a newsletter in So. Cal. and pass along, with attribution of course! what may be of interest. Best wishes!
Oops! Don’t Live up there!!! I wish CA would do the same sort of Compilation of meetings.
If you live in Northern CA, the Mount Diablo Genealogical Society is a great group. It meets in Walnut Creek.
Thank you for this post. I, for one, will be very interested in what the challenges are and what your vision for the future. I know many societies are struggling to stay relevant. Thank you for your stewardship of the organization.
Judith Culver
Ferndale, WA
The challenges that face all of us, gen societies or libraries, are making us look back so that we may move forward. We hear and share your pain. Here’s hoping that whatever move we make, it moves us in the right direction.
Jo-Anne Huber
Director, Heritage Quest Research Library
Sumner, WA