Spokane Community College Genetic Genealogy

Genetic genealogy is the practice of using genetic material to establish
heritage. In this class students will gain knowledge on what genetic
genealogy is, the practice of using DNA to identify relatives, physical
heredity, mapping of the human genome, the science of DNA, using
DNA to establish identity and degree of relationship in which people
are related, the different types of DNA testing, and more.
Using DNA to Find Lost Family
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 – 6 to 8 p.m.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 – 6 to 8 p.m.
To register, contact the Community Colleges of Spokane’s Corporate
and Continuing Ed program at
or online at
Course instructor Brian Holloway spent 25 years unraveling the
mystery of his father’s birth, which had been obscured by
misinformation, before turning to genetic genealogy in 2013. Just four
years later this century-old family mystery was solved when DNA
testing led the discovery of his father’s birth certificate. Brian’s
experiences offer a wealth of knowledge for others seeking to solve a
mystery or overcome barriers in their family history.