I purposely planned for a few library days after RootsTech and I’m so glad I did! Combining RootsTech learning with some new realizations was both wonderful and sobering. Maybe you already realized these things…………
One good talk was on “Avoiding Ancestor Theft,” and how we must be SURE when we’re adding new people to our family tree. We cannot rely on same-name alone; all the factors must concur: name, date and place. Consider this image; is there such a bird? Or cat?

Sure looks real, doesn’t it. But is it?? This was the speaker’s example of how we add 2 + 2 and get 5. His point: just as there are such images posted online, there are fictional trees posted online too. (Woohoo, there is a posted online tree that has John Smith married to Pocahontas!! Do you think??)
Another thing one of the RootsTech presenters pointed out is this: You are looking for a Robert Smith who married Mary Wilson. But you find an almost perfect match for Robert Smith but he’s married to Rebecca Thompson! Is is the right Robert Smith or not? In other words, don’t get hung up on one marriage; our ancestors were survivors and death came easily so often second and third marriages did happen.
One last Golden Point I learned. The presenter asked bluntly, “What sources do you swallow as good and add them to your tree?” She was referring to online trees, especially the older ones like Pedigree Resource File, Ancestral File, the very ancient IGI. She cautioned us to note them as exactly what they are: tidbits that might be true or not. Mostly usually not.
Trivia: The presentations from 2023 RootsTech are and will be available online for at least a year. Google and learn!!