Let’s Talk About: Old Cowboy Movies

I well remember Saturday afternoons when I was about ten years old, watching cowboy movies on our tiny little black-and-white-screen TV. To enhance the experience, I would sneak several pieces of white Wonder bread and smash them into a “golf ball” and gnaw on that as I watched my horsey-heroes. (Have you any parallel memories?)

In an old scrapbook, my friend’s mom had clipped and glued in this bit titled “Raising A Few Questions About Those Old Cowboy Movies.”  Hope they give you a laugh as they did me! 

** How come the people helped by the Lone Ranger never realized who he was until he handed them a silver bullet, hollered at his horse, and rode off?  (Jay Silverheels was a full-blooded Mohawk.)
**When some guy got killed in the bar whatever happened to the horse he left tied to the post outside?
**Why did everybody pay for their drink and never wait for the change?

**When out in the sandy desert for days, what did the horses eat?
**How did the heroine manage to ride across the plains for a week and still have beautiful clean hair and a low-cut blouse and not ever get sunburned?
**How did the cavalry scout always know which Indian tribe made which arrows?
**How come when they hung bad guys at the rate of several every week, they still had to build the scaffold the day before?

My first favorite TV show was Flash Gordon…..anybody remember? And Ming, ruler of the Evil Empire?  So what were YOUR first favorite TV shows or movies?

2 comments on “Let’s Talk About: Old Cowboy Movies

  1. Bonnie Moore says:

    I have pre-planned my funeral service. The music will be all the theme songs from the TV westerns!

  2. Kathleen Weddle Sizer says:

    I don’t remember too many TV shows but we did watch Ponderosa. In recent years my husband would watch The Rifleman. I began to wonder why the town wasn’t short on men because he killed one ever day! I also wondered why the women had 1950s and 1960s hairdos?

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