“The Silver Books primary purpose is for Mayflower descendant lineage verification. They also provide a map for you, researchers, and writers to study their lives and to better tell their stories.” (from their website, www.themayflowersociety.org)
Whether or not you wish to join the Mayflower Society, if you perhaps have a Mayflower ancestor, you might be wanting to know more about him/her and their descendants…….. so, perhaps, to connect your tree to theirs. The Silver Books are the go-to-starting-place for this research. The “bad news” is that there are only three ways that you can access these books: (1) a library, like the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City; (2) purchase; (3) become a member and access them via the website.
**The red bar at the bottom (which got cut off) leads to a 10-page PDF file:
THE REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE GSMD SILVER BOOK SERIES Revised 1 September 2021 1 The Silver Book Project, originally known as the Five Generations Project, traces the descendants of the Mayflower pilgrims. The project aims to provide clear, well documented lineages of the ship’s passengers through the 7th and 8th generations. Each family has a volume* and many consists of multi-part sets. This guide explains how the books are organized. MF[#] refers to the title Mayflower Families and the volume number.
Some Mayflower Ancestor books have more than one part and, I understand, more compilations are in the works……….
P.S. If you are an Ancestry member, this website offers many AmericanAncestors.org databases that may help you trace your Mayflower ancestry. Do check it out.
Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society has the following Silver Volumes
1 Francis Eaton, Samuel Fuller William White
2 James Chilton Richard More Thomas Rogers
3 George Soule
4 Edward Fuller
5 Edward Winslow John Billington
9 Francis Eaton
12 Francis Cooke
16 Parts 1-3 John Alden
18 Parts 1-3 Richard Warren
19 Thomas Rogers
Thank you for posting this. I am descended from John Alden and Thomas Rogers. I live ten minutes away from the library!