Let’s Talk About: Warm Fuzzy Newspaper Stories

(Thank you Facebook for the photos.)

I confess that I only read the human interest stories in our local newspaper. (And the funnies, of course!)Those are usually so heart-warming. So I will share two recent ones with you today.

Originally from the Washington Post:  John Mills never gave his surname much thought until he learned that many of his ancestors were enslaved. His great-great-great grandfather, Ned Mills, was the first of the name which was given to him by the man who enslaved him. Ned Miles grew up on a Georgia plantation in the 1830s and after the Civil War, when he was a free man, spent the rest of his life as a farmer and blacksmith. 
After finding his own family history, John Mills founded an organization to help other previously enslaved people to find their family history too. “My great-great-grandfather lives on in me,” and gives Mills the inspiration to help others.

Story #2:  Sandra Poindexter was at an auction in Lynchburg, Virginia, when she spotted a pair of bridal portraits and was “just mesmerized by them.” Sandra won the portraits for a bid of $5 thinking “these are special to somebody.” So Sandra began her search to find the couple or a descendant.
The photo was taken in 1959 and wonderfully the bride’s name was written on the back: Harriet Elizabeth Marshall (Galbraith). Enlisting the help of a more seasoned genealogy researcher, Harriet’s son was located in one day! And Harriet was still alive and living in Texas!
Sandra and Harriet exchanged many phone calls and stories concerning the back story of the “travels” of those portraits. “Seeing the portraits again brought back wonderful, happy memories,” Harriet said. “It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person and I’m glad to have been a little part of it,” said Sandra.