This was our first Walking with Ancestors event back in 2009. Shirley Penna-Oaks (holding the “vote” sign) was the coordinator for the event. Eager members of EWGS staged the same event in 2010 and 2011. Now EWGS is resurrecting the Walking with Ancestors event!
This year the event will be held on Memorial Day (Monday), May 27th, at the Pines Cemetery (south on Pines from Sprague or I-90). Commemorative events and ceremonies all day long are planned and EWGS is proud to be a part.
Volunteers from EWGS have been working on “their people.” Photos were taken of tombstones in the oldest part of the cemetery and handed out at the January meeting. The response has been great! The stories these tombstones will tell, by way of a person portraying the person, their spouse, son/daughter, etc. will be fascinating, EWGS promises.
These were our 2010 and 2011 group photos:

We hope you’ll come to enjoy a Walking with Ancestors event on Memorial Day at the Pines Cemetery with EWGS!!
OR plan and execute a similar event with YOUR local genealogy society members.