Let’s Talk About: English Census Records

For what years can we access census records in England?  There are nine  censuses available: 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and 1921. Sadly, the 1931 census was totally destroyed by fire and no census was taken in 1941 due to World War II. (In 1939 there was taken a National Registry and ID cards issued.)

Found it interesting that the English censuses included the name for each person in the house whereas U.S. censuses didn’t begin doing that until 1850. 

If you cannot read the info in that last paragraph, just Google that title. Tips to realize and remember:

  • English counties are also known as shires (Worcestershire, Somersetshire, etc.) comparable to our U.S. states.
  • Ind. independent or having own means; also may be reported as gent/gentleman.
  • Pensioner usually referred to someone retired from the Army
  • Scholar meant the child or person was attending school
  • Ag Lab mean agricultural laborer
  • F.S./ M.S. meant female/male servant

Just for fun, using www.freecen.org.uk I looked by my mother’s maiden name, GURNEY, in the 1841 census. Viola! There were 104 hits!!  And I’ve never explored them!!! 

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