Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board Missing an Ancestor? Look South or East

Missing an Ancestor? Look East or South

Many times, while researching our ancestors, they just “disappear” from where they “should be” located. Is this true with your ancestor? Perhaps the young man or woman in your lineage decided to heed Horace Greeley’s quote, “Go West, young man, go West and grow up with the country.”1 Opportunities abounded with cheap land, the lure of gold / silver / precious gems, religious freedom, or just the opportunity to start a new life. Perhaps your ancestor came to Arizona for one of these reasons?

The Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board (AzGAB) is honoring those people and their descendants who lived in the geographical area of what is now Arizona prior to statehood on 14 February 1912 with an Arizona Pioneer Descendant certificate. Certificates will be awarded to a descendant who submits evidence acceptable to AzGAB (vital records, territory or federal census, church records, brand books [livestock markings], city directory listings, etc.). Records showing relationship from the pioneer to the applicant is required for the certificate. (

For those ancestors / relatives who lived in Arizona from statehood until 01 April 1950, a Second Wave Certificate is available. ( The same chain of descendancy is required.

Not sure if your ancestor “was” in Arizona on their way to California, Nevada or other points West? Please use the Arizona Pioneers Database on the AzGAB website,, to see if their names appear. Female names as well as male names are mentioned.

This is a meaningful way to honor your ancestors and have a preserved record of it. The approved application forms, photos and accompanying documentation are housed in the Arizona State Archives. A modest fee for the certificate is expected at the time of submission. If two certificates are requested for the same ancestor from different descendants, there is a reduced fee for the second certificate. Questions? Contact the Arizona Pioneer Descendant

Administrator, Peggy Morphew at

1 The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Oxford University Press, TME. 1999. p. 351. ISBN 9780198601739. Retrieved 12 October 2023.

Linda McCleary

AzGAB Vice President

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