In a Spokane thrift store, I rescued this wonderful treasure! Inscribed: Property of Allene Robinson, who was a Junior that year. Besides pages of names of current students, this annual contains Alumni Lists dating back to 1890!!! There are also pages of class news bits, jokes, etc. What a find, I thought. If you want this, do let me know. It will not never go back to a thrift store! Donna
I would love to look at this book. My family of the Dowells homesteaded in Lewiston, Idaho in 1915.
I would love to look through this book. I live in Spokane Valley and hopefully we could meet? My family, the Dowells, homesteaded in Lewiston in 1915.
We have tons of yearbooks for the Pacific Northwest, but not any for Lewiston High School. (Genealogical Forum of Oregon)
If you create a free account at, you can view tons of years books from the USA.