Let’s Talk About…. It’s A Wonder We Survived

Cocaine toothache drops for teething toddlers??? Guess it WOULD work, but would you have???

 Yes, it is a wonder that our ancestors survived the medical knowledge and practices of their times. Most any page on an old newspaper will regale you with “Miracle Cures!”  “Drunkeness Cured!” “Blindness Prevented & Cured!” Really? In reality, I’ll bet many of our ancestors suffered the same physical ailments that we have today but relief was not often in sight. 

Here’s what the ads explained and promised:

“BLINDNESS, prevented and cured by the great “Actina,” an electrical pocket battery which removes cataracts, pterygiums (?) and cures granulated lids. 18 years of proof given; no cutting or drugging. Write for our 80-page directory of diseases.”

“COMBINATION MUD BATHS, wonderful cures have been effected by taking the famous Medical Lake Mud Baths. Rheumatism, eczema and all know diseases quickly and permanently cured. We have a modern plant; our bath house has 39 tubs, all cement. Our experience is sufficient to warrant satisfaction. Medical Lake Sanitarium, Mud Pumped from the Bottom of the Lake.” 

“DRUNKENESS CURED,  Any woman can cure her husband, son or brother of liquor drinking by secretly placing this remedy in his coffee, tea or food without his knowledge, as the remedy is entirely odorless and tasteless. Any good and faithful woman can wipe out this fearful evil and permanently stop the craving for liquor….the sight or odor of whiskey will soon make him sick. Any one who will send their name and address and 4-cents in stamps to cover postage (to St. Louis) will receive by mail, sealed in a plan wrapper, a free package of this wonderful remedy and full instructions how to cure the liquor habit.” 

I found this wonderful article in Nostalgia magazine, December 2006, article by Hilda Maston.