Serendipity Day

** EWGS President, Patricia Bayonne-Johnson’s Story

** Paula Stuart-Warren’s Quotes from TPCGS Conference

** Ten Calorie Candy??

** James Tanner on Social Media

** Canadian Research Websites

** Crazy Names…Not Just for Movie Stars


Patricia Bayonne-Johnson, president of the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society, and her team of helpers have been working on a monumental project. Pat’s ancestors were sold as slaves in 1838 by the Jesuits in Maryland to Louisiana to help finance Georgetown University. The president of Georgetown University came to Spokane last month to meet with Pat! Here’s the link to the story:


I was privileged to be in the audience learning from Paula Stuart-Warren last month at the Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society’s conference. She taught us so much and I could fill up this entire post with her pearls. But I will limit myself to four wonderful quotes from Paula:

  1. “Not everything in a book is correct and not all books are digitized; we DO still need libraries, so GO to your library!”
  2. “Which is more important, preservation or sharing? Which deserves your best effort?” Paula was speaking here about how to organize your family history and what to do with all that information and “stuff.”
  3. If you don’t belong to a local genealogical society where you live, you’re missing out on the best help there is.”
  4. How much time do you spend RE-searching….chasing “shiny objects or looking at the same record over and over….because you are un-organized??”



This sobering tidbit was in a health care magazine which comes from our local hospital:  “If you cut only ten calories out of your diet each day, which would be 3650 calories for a year, you will lose a pound!! So think twice before popping that innocent piece of hard candy ….. each one can have 20-40 calories.”  OUCH.


According to James Tanner’s Genealogy’s Star blog (to which I recommend you subscribe…it’s free), nearly 2/3 of American adults use social networking sites. Now we know all the kids do, but I found it both interesting and gratifying that we older folks use social media too. Tanner continues, “Worldwide, it is reported that there are 1.65 billion monthly active Facebook users.”  Do you use Facebook? What do you use it to accomplish?


“O Canada!” This is the title of the Canadian national anthem….. are you chasing Canadian ancestors? In a blog post of 6 Jun 2016, the Legal Genealogist, Judy Russell, shared some super Canadian research websites, things beyond Library & Archives Canada. Here’s what she taught us in that posting:

  • —  collections include Early Canadiana Online and more
  • Dictionary of Canadian Biography, University of Toronto – a collection of nearly 8500 biographies of persons of significance to Canada
  • – like our United States GenWeb
  • – Dave Obee’s directory of genealogy sites in Canada


Think only today’s movie stars give their children really unusual (weird!) names? Think again! How about Early Lee LEDBETTER, 1886-1949, born in Arkansas, marries Ann Janetta DOSHIER, and their daughter was ORCHARD Early LEDBETTER.  Their son was Mearl LEDBETTER.