I was so happy to learn that I was not the only one crazy for Rubber Duckies! I just learned that in Point Roberts, Washington, is the world’s first Rubber Duck History Museum!!!!!! Krystal and Neil King opened the museum in 2024 and have had many visitors so far. Krystal reported that her favorite comment from a visitor so far was “Oh My G(osh). Why?” The Kings say they won’t charge admission; they just want people to come in and leave happier. (This is part of my collection.)
Polish Pickle Soup: Just what you want for dinner! Known as Zupa Ogorkowa, or Sour Cucumber Soup, here’s the recipe:
In large soup pot, add broth, celery, parsley, carrot, onion into 5 cups of water. Add bay leaf, dab of allspice, peppercorns and salt. When boiling, add 3 medium chopped potatoes or pasta or rice, 2 cups of chopped dill pickles and 1/3 cup cream. Simmer 2 hours and enjoy. I’d love to hear from you how you liked it……… IF you make it.
History of Envelopes: In 1952, the Envelope Manufacturers Assn of America published a little 5×8, 80 page book titled The History of Envelopes. The book opens with this quote from the Cosmopolitan Art Journal, 1860: “The little paper enclosure which we term “envelope” sustains such an important relation to our social, commercial political, and moral world as to render it eminently worthy of notice as our hands. It has now become the vade mecum of thought transportation….. crossing seas, threading rivers, chasing up railways, exploring the solitary paths of the forest and plains, pursuing expresses and telegraphic messengers; it is almost everywhere doing, for rich and poor alike, its good offices and trusty services.” I rescued this little book from a Goodwill bin and found it a really fun read. Wanna borrow it? Be happy to loan it. But it is available as a used book on various websites.