Kinpoint….. New Kid On The Block…. Share The News!

Have you heard of Kinpoint??  This is a fairly new website that offers you simple-to-use help in filling in missing information and finding more branches of your family tree.

KinpointKinpoint is “family history simplified…. find records for missing information in minutes, not hours…. we’ll work for you, so you aren’t looking for a needle in a haystack…. quickly find and fix problems with your family history.”

How does this work? Kinpoint creates a fan chart with you as the center circle and your ancestors fanning out for as many generations are you want. The information populating this chart comes directly from your Family Search account.  

It’s easy to obtain a FamilySearch account, just log in to and create one….. and then upload your tree, in whatever genealogy program you have it, to FamilySearch.

I could go on for paragraphs but you must click to and try it for yourself.

Cost? A “whopping” $2.50 a month………. and if you sign-up really soon that price is locked in for life. Such a deal.

Please do check this out; you will be happy with the results and glad that you took the time. I promise!